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WinWin had finally finished his modeling job for the day. He was finally able to go home and see his babies. He wasn't able to see them that morning due to his schedule that day, so he was more than happy to see them. Also being scolded by his manager before he left wasn't ideal. He soon made it to his apartment, the loud screams of Chenle and Renjun being heard through the door. He unlocked and opened it.

"Dada's home, boys!" WinWin exclaimed, immediately feeling Renjun's little body cling onto his leg.

"Dada home!!" He screamed, Jaemin coming in with baby Chenle in his arms.

"Hey, WinWin-hyung!" Jaemin exclaimed, Chenle making grabby hands towards the older man. WinWin smiled softly and took him.

"How were they this morning?" WinWin asked as he brought the boys to play in the living room again. Jaemin sighed.

"Lele was completely fine. He ate, napped, played without a fuss. Renjun on the other hand cried for 3 hours straight." He admitted. The toddler glared at him cutely.

"Nuh-uh! Not twue!" Renjun said sassily towards Jaemin. WinWin sighed.

"Baby, what had you so sad this morning?" He asked, the toddler pouting with tears threatening to fall. He didn't say anything.

"Junnie, Dada's not mad. He just wants to know what happened."

"J-Junnie wanted Dada bu Dada no thewe," he said sadly. WinWin pulled the baby into a hug and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry, baby. But today Dada had to leave early. I thought you'd be okay with Nana helping you this morning," he told him. "You can sleep with me tonight if you want to, honey." Renjun's eyes widened.

"Weally!?" He asked loudly. WinWin chuckled.

"Sure. I don't see why not."

Renjun went to sit by his baby brother to play, Jaemin and WinWin going to the kitchen to talk. WinWin sighed for like the 1000th time that day.

"I'm sorry, Jaems. I knew Renjun's separation anxiety was getting bad, but I didn't think it would get that bad," he apologized. He felt like the world's worst father. Jaemin shrugged.

"He's just been overwhelmed recently. His mother left and now he has to deal with your paparazzi. It's not completely your fault, Sicheng-hyung." Jaemin comforted him. WinWin smiled.

"Thanks. Would you like to stay for dinner? I was gonna just get some pizza for the boys and I."

"Sorry, hyung. I have to study tonight. Thanks for the offer, but I should get going." Jaemin picked up his bag and headed for the door. WinWin followed.

"Bye, Jaemin, I'll see you tomorrow!" He exclaimed, locking the door after he left.

"Dada!" Chenle exclaimed as he made grabby hands towards WinWin. The adult walked over, picking him up.

"Hi, my baby, Lele. How are you today?" WinWin asked, receiving loud babbles in return. WinWin smiled brightly before placing a small kiss on his chubby cheek.

"I'm glad to hear, baby," he said sitting on the couch with the baby on his lap. Renjun came over with his Moonmin plush, curling up next to the adult. WinWin put an arm around him gently.

"I love you both so much. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."


That night, Chenle had fallen asleep with ease, the baby practically passing out once he was put in his crib. Renjun had fallen asleep on WinWin's bed while he was doing his nightly routine. WinWin decided to watch TV in the living room as to not disturb the toddler. He was hard to put back to bed once he was woken up. He was just about to get ready for bed before his manager called. His manager? What was going on?

"Mrs. Yoo! How can I help you?" WinWin asked the woman over the phone.

"Sicheng, you know can just call me Nayeon, right?" She asked.

"Seems informal, ma'am." He informed.

"You're only two years younger than me? Anyways, I have some bits of news for you!" She exclaimed.

"Alright. What've you got?"

"Firstly, your intern, Lee Jeno, and you will have to be ready for your first job together tomorrow. You both are going to be used for a Vogue: Special Edition cover soon!" She exclaimed. WinWin smiled brightly.

"That's amazing!"

"The second bit of news is that because of the height of your break-up, there's a hashtag on Instagram trending." WinWin's eyes widened as he quickly pulled up the site, seeing just that.

"WinWin for 'The Bachelor'? But I'm perfectly fine being single right now!" He yelled into the phone.

"Chill, Sicheng." Nayeon said calmly.

"Sorry, ma'am."

"Anyways, the people in US reached out to us about airing a new show with you as the lead. They want to call it 'The Bachelor: Seoul' and be able to air it here, in the US, and in your home country," She explained. WinWin sighed.

"Look, Mrs. Yoo. As much as it sounds kind of exciting, I'm not ready to 'get back out there' right now. Not with a woman, not with a man, not with anybody. Right now, little Renjun is still heartbroken over his mother not being here anymore. I need to focus as much as I can on him," he told her.

"I understand, WinWin. But I do think that this might end up helping him a little. It might help Chenle, too, in the future. Please just think about it before I put down a hard no."

"I will. The answer will probably still be no, though."

"That's perfectly fine. Please just try to get back to me about it in the next 48 hours." Nayeon hung up.

WinWin slouched on the sofa. What was he going to do? He wasn't sure. Just whatever was best for his boys.

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