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The next day, WinWin and Yuta were on their way to the Haeun Dae Beach, both of them in the back seat of the car. They hadn't talked throughout the entire car ride there. WinWin had been listening to music while Yuta just stared out the window for almost 5 hours. They only looked at each other twice and smiled at each other only once. They'd finally reached their destination after what felt like forever. Soon, they were met by the smooth, sandy beaches. It excited WinWin. They were parked by a hotel nearby to drop off their stuff.

"Shall we head in~?" Yuta said jokingly, holding his out hand for the younger.

"We shall."


"Come on, WinWin," Yuta whined as he waited for the younger to finish changing. "We have to go soon!"

"Alright, alright. Geez, it's like I'm hanging out with my little boys," the younger joked as they left. They decided to walk to the beach, knowing that they weren't going to be filmed for the next hour. They just wanted to get to know each other a little better.

"So... what do you do for fun~?" WinWin asked Yuta, the older shrugging.

"I mean, I like reading comics and watching cartoons. I also tend to work out... a lot." Yuta told him, beaming in pride at the last bit. WinWin smiled.

"Interesting. My boys love watching cartoons, so I tend to get sucked into them, too," WinWin told the older. They continued to talk and laugh while they walked to the beach, passing by a small shop on the way. They stopped to buy a couple things, mainly just some sunglasses, some water bottles, and a bag to put their stuff in. They proceeded to pay.

"Yuta, are you sure? I can just pay for my stu-"

"For the 10th time: It's fine, WinWin," Yuta cut him off as he pulled out his card. WinWin smiled to himself. In all honesty, he was starting to warm up to Yuta a bit. Soon, they were on the beach.

"I've never been here before," WinWin admitted as the two took of their socks and shoes. Yuta's eyes widened.

"Really? This was one of the first places I went when I first came here," Yuta told him, the two smiling at each other. The two went to the water, WinWin being stunned by how crystal blue the water was. He felt a huge splash of cold water hit his back. He turned around to see Yuta smiling widely like a little kid.

"So, are you gonna fight back or are you just gonna stand there~?" Yuta teased, then getting splashed in the face by the younger.

"Oh, it is on!" WinWin yelled, the two proceeding to get into a splashing fight for almost 30 minutes. After a while of being in the crystal waters, they decided to build in the sand for the next couple hours, courtesy of the crew for giving them more beach stuff.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Yuta asked as he finished gathering up the rest of their stuff.

"Do you wanna get some food cafe by the shop we went to?" WinWin asked, the older nodding.

"We have nothing better to do."


That evening, they proceeded to get to know each other even better. They talked while they ate their dinner, got to know each other's differences and similarities, and even got into serious conversations. They ended up falling asleep in each other's arms that night. The next morning, WinWin had been sitting outside, watching the sunrise as he sipped his coffee. He heard the door open behind him. He saw a messy-haired, tired Yuta in the door frame.

"Good morning, sunshine," WinWin said teasingly, laughing. Yuta trudged over and sat at the other chair.

"Another five and a half car ride today," Yuta said. WinWin sighed.

"Yeah, not great. But at least we'll actually talk on the way there this time," the younger said happily, the older nodding.

"I'm gonna shower and get dressed," Yuta said, getting up and leaving. WinWin smiled as he laid back in his chair.


An hour later, they both were ready to go back to Seoul. WinWin honestly didn't want to. He enjoyed the beach and getting to know Yuta as a person. He seemed like a good friend. Before they left, Nayeon insisted that they got a photo. Not that WinWin was complaining. It's nice to capture some moments. Soon, they were back in the car on the way home. Tomorrow, WinWin had a date with Kun.

 Tomorrow, WinWin had a date with Kun

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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