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"I got your letter"

"Jane" Michonne calls out as she approaches Jane who standing on the balcony of the Barrington House

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"Jane" Michonne calls out as she approaches Jane who standing on the balcony of the Barrington House. "Hey" Jane greets as she surveys the community before turning her attention to Michonne who stands next to her. "I wanted to give you something" Michonne says as she grabs something out her pocket and hands it to Jane. Jane furrows her eyebrows and looks down seeing some type of letter in her hand.

"What's this?" Jane asks as she sees her name written on the paper. "It's form Carl" Michonne declares and Jane lifts her head up, locking eyes with Michonne. "He wrote letters to almost everyone.. even Negan" Michonne states and Jane looks back down at the letter. "Please, read it... don't be like Rick and not listen to what Carl has to say" Michonne urges and Jane sighs before locking eyes with Michonne once again. "Carl would want that" Michonne assures before she places a reassuring hand on Jane's shoulder and leaves her to read the letter by herself.

"Oh god" Jane breathes out before she takes a seat in one of the chairs on the balcony and rests her elbows on her knees nervously as she looks at her name written on the paper, afraid to open it.


Jane looks in the distance and sees Carl is kneeling by Sophia's grave. Jane slowly walks over and approaches him he looks over and sends her a small smile as he sets flowers by her grave. "Those are nice" Jane says as she kneels next to Carl. "Carol says these were her favorite so I found some" Carl states and Jane smiles and nods her head.

"Do you believe in heaven?" Carl asks as he looks over at Jane. Jane clears her throat and lets out a sigh, "You know... I don't know what I believe anymore. The world isn't what it used to be you know?" Jane asks and Carl chuckles softly and nods his head.

"Yeah, I miss chocolate fudge" Carl jokes making Jane let out a laugh. "Yeah, Me too" Jane says as she looks down at Carl who stares back at Sophia's grave.


Dear Jane,
You're strong. You always have been. You're caring. I remember when you sat next to me at Sophia's grave and reminisced on how we missed chocolate fudge. You were like an older sister to me... a mother figure and I will always love you for that. Please be that for Judith now and forever. She'll need someone like you to be her friend and teach her life lessons. Maybe even tell her how good chocolate fudge is. Most of all, I want peace for everyone. I want closure. I want the killing to stop. I want the anger to die down. I know you're angry but I know you can calm everyone down. I know you can bring peace because at a point in time you wanted it too because you're a good person weather you believe it or not. You're one of the good ones. I want you to be happy Jane... that's all I ever wanted for you, my family, my people. You've lost a lot in this world and you've lost your way but that doesn't mean you can't gain it back and change because anyone can change. Anyone. Enjoy life Jane and spend it to the fullest. Don't spend every waking minute being angry. Be better.

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