The Talented Mr.Kipling

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"Jessie , i have a huge problem!" Cherry said as she walked into the room.

"I love my photography class!" Cherry said.

"Okay, i know I'm new at this whole nanny thing , but not seeing the problem jessie" said.

"The problem is i got the word's laziest partner for this assignment while emma got someone who well do the work " Cherry sighed loudly.

"You call it lazy,i call it it selective participation ." Luke said as he stands in the door way with his hand on a wall close by the door.

Luke held the camera towards jessie as cherry rolled her eyes.

"Now jessie,give me pouty nanny. Okay that was more like constipated nanny,but i can touch it up, i can't believe i can get school credits for taking pictures of cute girl's." Luke said as he looks at the picture of jessie in the camera.

"You don't the assignment is easy if you pay attention" Cherry said

"The assignment is to take pictures of New York's flora and fauna." Emma said as she walked in .

"Ooh , i hope those are hot latin twins." Luke said as he began doing a salsa dance as they watched him.

"Do you have an off switch?" Jessie asked

"Yep, you wanna try to find it?" Luke asked

"Nope!" Jessie says as she walks to door and puts her hand on a wall by the door.

"Okay look, we are going to the park. That way you guys can work on your assignment ,and ravi can take Mr.Kipling for a walk ,or a slither ,or whatever he does." Jessie said before she started walking out the door Cheery,emma,ravi and luke quickly following her.

"No,no ,no,no ,no,no . We cannot take Mr. Kipling for a walk." Ravi said.

"If Ms.Chesterfield sees Mr.Kipling will have to hear her complain about for years." Cheery said dramatically as emma,ravi,luke and cheery all snickered quietly at the thought.

"If Ms.Chesterfield sees him,she'll throw a hissy fit."Emma said.

"Yeah she's the head of the condo board." Luke said.

"A total someone who ruins the mood ." Cherry said as emma shook her head agreeing.

"And a total pain in the ashram ." Ravi said as the three nodded there heads in unison.

"Oh, is she that annoying lady downstairs who's always carrying that homely baby?" Jessie asked

Cherry looked at jessie in confusion wondering where the heck she got that idea from.

"It's a dog." Luke said.

"Your telling me someone whomped that child with the ugly stick." Jessie said.

"He means it's a Chihuahua" emma said.

"It's chi-hideous" jessie said.

"Look ravi I'm not gonna let some old grouch keep you from walking you pet. We'll just ask tony to make sure the coast is clear ."jessie said

"I'm on it" Tony said in the intercom.

"Tony are you eavesdropping again?" Jessie asked

"Now that I've looked up the word yes."

"I need a loaf of bread a pound of cheddar cheese two pounds of roast beef. A jumbo jar of mayonnaise" Bertram said ordering his lunch on the phone.

"Bertram when your done ordering your lunch do not forget to order Mr.Kipling's snake" ravi said.

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