6. Déjà Vu

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A/N: cause what you got is go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-old/I know you're gold/o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oh I know you're gold/I don't need the stars in the night/I've found my treasure/all I need is you by my side/so shine forever/go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-old I know you're gold...
(that WAS NECESSARY. #sorrynotsorry. HOOTOWLS UNITE!!!!!!!)
"D'you know her?" Sandra inquired from her spot at Rose's elbow.

Rose shook her head vaguely. There was something about that black-haired girl... almost threatening. And the way she had looked at Rose, like she was reading her soul. So much like Scorpius, but just... more personal, somehow. Rose had always seen Scorpius as the most introverted person on the planet; his coldness was more distant, shut off, kind of like a shield. That girl had radiated pure malice.

And Rose had a weird feeling that the girl - Vanessa - was significant. Not quite familiar, but not a complete stranger, either. And then that wink, and that wave. Like she knew something Rose didn't.

Rose shook her head wearily. She began heading back towards the stairs to the dungeons.

"See you, Rose!" Sandra called after her.

Rose raised her hand in farewell without turning around. She wasn't in the mood for talking. She was just so. Damn. Tired. And really creeped out.

Cynthia was still snoring away by the fire when Rose entered the otherwise empty common room. She watched her friend for a moment. A stray strand of blonde hair fluttered around Cynthia's face, caught up in her soft breathing. She looked so peaceful, Rose considered following suit; but even as she thought came to her, she knew it was a lost cause. Her brain was too wide awake.

Rose's feet carried her back out into the corridor. She wandered through the school, not really paying attention to where she was going. An image of Vanessa kept hijacking her train of thought. Something about the girl was extremely unsettling.

After a whole bunch of random turns, Rose found herself in a corridor sporting a large tapestry of a rather fat man who appeared to be attempting to train trolls for the ballet. Rose looked at the tapestry for a few moments, her mind vaguely processing the hilarity of the scene.

She was turning to go when the hairs on the back of her neck prickled. She froze. Someone was there, watching her. She could sense it.

Rose scanned the corridor for any sign of life, but, aside from herself, it appeared deserted. But there was definitely someone there. A ghost? Ghosts could turn invisible.

Wait. Invisible...?

"Albus?" Rose said, shattering the silence.

No reply.

"Albus! I know you're there!"

A faint sigh sounded from somewhere behind her. Rose spun around in time to see Albus materialize, shedding his Invisibility Cloak.

"What're you doing here?" Rose demanded, exasperated. This time, she would find out what was going on with her cousin.

"What are you doing here?" Albus returned.

Rose stared at him incredulously. "Well, here we are again," she sighed. "Now, my friend, you are going to answer my question: what in the name of Merlin is going on with you?"

"What d'you mean?" He said lamely, not meeting her eyes.

"Al," Rose said firmly. "Look at me. Here, this is the second time I've caught you running around under that Cloak. Where did you even get it? Don't lie to me. I know something's going on."

"It's none of your business," Albus growled, glaring at Rose with surprising ferocity.

"What?" Rose was startled. She quickly recovered herself. "Yes, it is my business," she retorted, matching his tone. "You are my friend, Albus Severus Potter. Friends don't leave friends to deal with things on their own. Spill."

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