Chapter 1

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"Thanks dad!" Said a boy with black hair that spiked up, bright blue eyes, and whiskers upon his cheek. He grabbed the binto box from his fathers hands and started to walk out of his beloved home. "MENMA!" Said his father beside his other father.

"Be safe ok?" The blond father said as bent down to the 14 year old boys level. "I'm not a kid anymore dad!" Menma said as he scoffed and crossed his arms. "You are to me." The blond said as he gave the boy a kiss on the cheek.

"DAD!" Menma whipped the kiss of his cheek and ran out the door saying his goodbyes quick.

"He's growing up." The man with raven hair said while walking up to the blond in front of him. "Naruto?" The man said as he wrapped his arms around the blonds waist.

"Yea i know Sasuke." He sighed and then turned around to face his lover to hug him from the front. "I know."

—— <3 ——

Menma ran through the crowded streets of Konoha with a wide smile on his face. The smell of food, and morning air filled the boys noise as he continued to move past people. He ran faster and faster towards the training grounds on the other side of the village. Today his parents thought him and Sarada were going to hang out around the village with their other team member Mitsuki. Instead, Sarada told Menma that he should learn the rasengan for his fathers up coming birthday.

As he got closer to the training grounds, he saw a pink haired girl carving something into a log with a kunai. 

"Hey Sarada." He said waving his hand making her look up and wave back.

"Hey Menma!" A long pause came between the two of them before she decided to continue her sentence.

"Did you tell your dads?"


"Good, did you get the instructions?"

"Yep!" Menma said as he pulled a black scroll laced in red string out of his bag.

"Yayyy! I knew you could do it!" She said as she grabbed the scroll out of the boys hand

"Did you ever doubt me." Menma said with a smirk causing the pink haired girl to punch him in the right shoulder and roll her eyes.

"Don't get to cocky." She said making him roll his eyes back. She then grabbed his wrist with her free hand a walked towards the tree line. Once they got past the thick trees, she sat down with her legs crossed and Menma followed.

"You ready?" She asked looking at the boy sitting across from her

"Always!" He gave her a confident thumbs up which caused her to laugh a little.

"Ok then." She untied the string from the scroll, opening it up.

"Wow, that's a lot of words." Menma said looking at the scroll in disbelief.

"Of course dummy!" She smacked the boy on the side of his head causing him to winch in pain.

"Now. Let's get started!"

"But what if-"

"No buts! Your father would be so disappointed if you didn't get him a good present." She said pouting her lip sarcastically. Making Menmas anger rise.

"Shut up!" He grabbed the scroll out of the girls hands and started to read the black scroll filled with words.

"That's what I thought." She said as she scoffed and crossed her arms.

He got up from his sitting position and started to try and form a big ball of chakra while reading the scroll.

"You look so dumb Menma." She said as she smiled at him and moved her self to where her back was resting on a tree.

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