Missed phone calls

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He orders some Chinese food as he sits on the couch while I'm too busy staring at my purse that I forgot. He placed it on the windowsill in front of his desk, and I grab my wallet out of it.

I walk over to my other purse that I brought with me, and I take out all his money he gave me plus the money I spend yesterday and today as I place it on his desk.

*1 missed phone call from Maddy*

After we ordered, he walks up to me as I'm still standing in front of the desk. I bend over to lean with my elbows on the desk and my chin in the palm of my hands as I stare at the pile of paperwork.

He stands next to me, and he grabs the top paper from the pile as he slowly turns it around with a smirk so I can't read it anymore.

I look up at him with a smile as I stand up straight again. "Too late, already read it."

"Oh yea? If you can name one question you read, I'll let you read the whole thing." He says as he frowns his eyebrows with his hands in his pockets.

Oh, he things he's smart, but I'm smarter. I haven't read a thing so I wouldn't know BUT I know how to do this.

"Fine. 'Your name' ha!" I say with a smirk, and I stick my hand out in front of him while looking away to the side, waiting for him to hand me the paper.

He places his hand on mine, and pushes it down as he leans a little closer with his head towards mine. "You're wrong." He whispers, and he turns around to walk away with the paper in his hand.

"Technically it is a question so I'm not wrong." I say as I follow him towards the couch.

"Sure it is...but this..." he says as he holds the paper up in his hand. "This is just a case. Not a test, no questions, nothing." He says with a wink.

*2 missed phone calls from Maddy*

"You're lying, let me see." I smile as I walk up to him to grab the paper out of his hand. "I don't think so." He says with a smirk as he shakes his head.

"Alright alright." I smile as I turn around. He stands behind me and slides his arms under my arms around me as he holds the paper in front of me so I can see it. I can't even focus on the paper in front of me since I'm basically trapped in his arms from behind.

"This..." he says, and he tears the paper three times. "...Not important..." he says with his lips against my ear.

I bring my arms behind me to his head, pulling it a little closer against my neck as I close my eyes. I can't take this flirting anymore... I really can't.

He pulls my pants a little forward so he can tuck the torn papers in it and we're both looking down at how he's doing it.

He leans closer, and he gives me a kiss on my cheek for two seconds. My whole body went so hot in a second, and I feel my heart raising way too fast. His lips are so soft, the kiss sound was loud but in a good way.

My arms are still around his neck behind me, my eyes are closed again, and I can feel his hands going up and down over my belly very slowly.

"Hmm." I let out, and I drop my arms so I can hold his hands that are stroking my belly. I can feel him from behind against me, and I bite my lip, letting my head fall back against his shoulder blade.

I move my head a bit to the right, and I see him already looking at me. We're both leaning forward but not fully... we're driving each other crazy which turns me on even more. Our noses touches, giving it a little push before pulling away again. Our mouths are a little bit open, and I can see his tongue moving from the inside.

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