Part 2 (cook)

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Saturday came around fast enough you drag yourself out of bed and into the shower it was a quick shower as you didn't have time for it in the first place you put on a mini skirt with one of Chris's oversized hoodies that comes just above the bottom of the skirt and you fill the pocket with spliff cids lighter and pills as you didn't wanna bring a bag around with you all day you put your hair in French braids and do some makeup before walking to effys house.

Saturday came around fast enough you drag yourself out of bed and into the shower it was a quick shower as you didn't have time for it in the first place you put on a mini skirt with one of Chris's oversized hoodies that comes just above the botto...

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You ring the doorbell and effy rushes out the house "come on" she says as drags you away from the house "things still going tits up" you ask effy "yep wbh" effy says "yep mum acts sad everyday" you say as you both stop outside this tatty pub "this is it" you say standing outside and pulling a face "we're gunna need these" you pass a pill to effy as you take one.

When you finally walk inside panda, Katie and Emily had joined so you all walked inside together "hey baby" cook says as he touches the end of your hair cook starts talking but again you don't listen when chris died you got really good at zoning out even if you don't want to until cook brings you all to a table in the corner of the pub "for he's a jolly good fellow and so say all of us" we all start singing you with more energy than the others "thanks man thank you very much" cook says smiling he made you all put party hats on it was quite cute after about 10 rounds of shots you and cook were the only ones still going jj seemed to be going along with cook even tho he hadn't had one drink "hey cook wanna see a magic trick" jj asks as cook agrees he makes a fish in a normal pint of water you smile until cook drinks the fish "gross I'm going outside" you say as you get up and walk outside you light a cigarette and see Naomi walking down the road "leave while you can he just ate a fish" you say to Naomi and she just laughs and walks in thinking your kidding you walk in five minutes after Naomi you see cook eating a whole cake with your hands which makes you laugh before you have even sat down "you alright james" you say when he finishes the cake "yeah and it's cook peachy" he said but you knew you would keep calling him James. Katie starts talking about how it's not a party "so you lot this my party's shit" cook says as everyone stammers and are to pussy to say it "it's shit" effy says "it's not that bad I like it" you said "yeah you would you took like two pills before" effy says which makes cook storm off you laugh as Freddie walks out on the phone.

Soon you all were on the walk to a new party it had free booze that's the only reason you didn't leave there and then you see a boat so you assumed that's where this party would be but you couldn't hear any music cook starts talking to a bouncer but you could hardly hear as you were at the back cook was talking about fate and love or something like that when two girls who look like angry birds walk out "not my choice of dress" you say to effy but the girl Hurd you "excuse me" she said "it makes you look like an angry bird bitch" you say to the girl in the yellow dress she scoffed "at least I'm not in a ugly ass hoodie it looks old as fuck and cheap" she said you went to hit her but effy stopped you and cook made out with her after a little chat she lets you all in you walk right over to the champagne and take three drinks "well well if it isn't another miles your brother was in deep shit with me so now your in deep shit with me and you have upset my Kayleigh so I need 150 by Monday" he said to you as he continued to kiss his daughter on the lips for like ten seconds you rolled your eyes and carried on drinking "so who's for a little fun" cook says holding a bag of drugs and everyone says me including panda which was surprising but you didn't ask you took a line then walked back out after panda ate the bag.

You sit at the bar with jj "your brother really that famous" jj asks "dated a teacher" you reply to try explain some of it as your phone rings "what do you want" you say answering the phone to your mum "where are you I grounded you that means you can't go out" she says "oh just fuck off for five mins you don't care about me stop acting like you do just run away again I can look after myself" you shout down the phone not realising cook Freddie and jj are behind you "who was that" cook asks "my Guardian" you say "you got any drugs" he asks you "I got some pills" you reply "good enough can I have one" he asks "tenner" you say needing some extra money he gives you the tenner and you give him one you take a drink of jj orange juice "you overpriced that didn't you" Freddie asked "he was desperate enough" you say and get up to start dancing.

You dance until you see cook walk down the middle and on stage "is he gunna sing" Katie says just as he starts singing I write the songs he is surprisingly good everyone seems to be enjoying it apart from Jonny who looks like he's about to kill cook just then Jonny smashes cook round the head with a glass bottle. After a while some fight breaks out as cook sits on the stage laughing "Impressive" you say as you get up on the stage with him he sticks his arms in the air you see effy trying to to get your attention at the door "come on we're wanted" you say as you run out with everyone else you all run till you get to a tunnel.

"I was trying to get laid" cook says as him and Freddie are talking "speaking of which any of you girls fancy it" he says looking at Katie "no your repulsive" she says and you feel kinda bad for him bit harsh "weird girl" cook says "your beautiful but no my head feels all funny" she says "how about it then" cook says looking at effy "come on home" she says to panda nod everyone walks off but you and cook "it's just me and you peachy" cook says "u picked me last" you say "saving the best till last" he says you start walking home "you coming then you shout back to him as he runs to catch up to you.

When you get home you see an envelope full of money on the table with a note gone for a few days be home soon "she did it she really left" you smile and hug cook "she's gone no more fake grief" you say as you kiss cook one thing leads to another. After you and him just sit in your bed "we will get you the money tomorrow" cook says "ah shit I forgot about that" you say and try to sleep.

Grief // James cookWhere stories live. Discover now