Chapter 3

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My wolf growled internally when the faerie man that I had met earlier grabbed us by our arms and starting dragging us down the corridor.

Squeeze my hand any tighter and I’ll bite it off. I threatened internally.
Well he seems to be in a hurry, I thought, my inner voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Time for your auction.” he said calmly. I tried to wrench my hand from him but he only tightened his grip making me groan. Manon wasn’t saying anything. Her expression said everything.
I decided to kill him right there and then, I didn’t even care what would happen after. I wanted him dead.
The Faerie sensed my bloodlust and sighed. “Don’t even think of transforming. You can never transform unless I say so or…” he trailed off.
I kept silent. He had cursed me to follow his orders.  I was seething with rage.
Maybe I should’ve stayed home and endured that prison instead of this hell.
No, I thought. I knew I would wind up in a situation like this. I could’ve gotten away had I left Manon to run into the woods and she’d probably get eaten by a water hag or something.
Don’t blame Manon. I thought harshly. Focus ahead.
We were lead downstairs where I heard loud laughter and the tinkle of glasses as well as sobs and screams from the ones being harassed. This was one of these shady bars that Amara avoided when we were shopping.

I was put down on a chair in front of a wooden stage stained with dried blood.
Manon was dragged up there and many unseelie were paying down money to the wretched man who stood there eager to watch the show he was about to get.

I wanted to do something but could only watch helplessly as Manon’s bloodcurdling screams and whimpers rang my ears and sent chills down my spine.
I closed my eyes but my stomach clenched as it went on. My ears rang.

Make it stop. MAKE IT STOP!

I was about to have a panic attack until someone touched my shoulder nearly making me fall off my chair.
I turned towards the person who was wearing a hood and a black mask embroidered with gold that covered their mouth and neck shrouding their features but the voice sounded male. I barely saw the glamour covering their wings.
“Take this.” the hooded figure said reaching into their cloak and pulling out a long knife made of iron. I could tell because the person’s hands were being burned.

In my confusion I grabbed the knife in order to stop them from burning their flesh off out of pity.
“Why are you helping me?” I managed to say since no favor came without a price with Faerie.
“I’ve once been in your situation and… because I took a liking to you.”
Before I had time to respond they turned my head to look at the stage and when I looked back the figure was gone and so were Manon’s screams.
I tucked the knife in my skirt and hid it under my T-shirt.
The faerie were leaving as a guard ushered them out. I ran to Manon, the knife pinching my side a little.  She was trembling and out of breath, her arms covered with scratches and red spots.
My head was spinning with thoughts yet I bit my hand and used my blood to heal her.
Her breathing was slowed and color returned to her skin and she longer had the horrid marks.
My hand healed and the Faerie just stood there counting his money not even paying attention to us.

I tried to help Manon stand but she couldn’t so I lifted her up carefully, my hands sliding under her knees to keep me from dropping her.
She was surprisingly lighter than expected.

I was thinking about stabbing that jackass with the knife that the stranger had given me.
I pictured the whole scene before me where his blood splattered the walls like a fresh coat of paint and my lips twisted into a smile, before I realized that I was smiling at the thought of murdering someone and my face fell back into my usual expression.

I knew exactly where our ‘room’ was, it was in the most secluded area of the corridor.

“I’ll kill him.” I told her showing her the knife and explained how I got it.  Manon winced a little but listened eagerly clutching the pillow.
“Maybe I should give you more blood, this time you have to drink it otherwise you won’t heal completely.”
Manan shook her head although she was already becoming pale again, she clutched her pillow and curled up.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. At this rate she was going to die.
“You’re drinking the blood.” I told her firmly, she shook her head.
“You’re not dying on me.” I added.
She coughed and remained silent while I bit into my flesh again, my sharp teeth making me wince.

“I feel like a vampire.” muttered Manon wiping her mouth after she had finished and eyeing my blood stained teeth warily.

“I think whoever gave you that knife has a little crush on you.” said Manon wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I raised my eyebrows.
Even after being near death, she was still insufferable, well I suppose that’s a good sign.  I didn’t respond even though I felt my face heat.

“How are you so cheerful even after all that…” I wondered.

She just sighed and started plaiting her red hair. “I’d rather believe it never happened than to let it scar me my entire life. You did say you’d kill him so it makes it a bit better.”
I heard her voice crack but she covered it by saying that she was going to sleep.

Trying to be strong aren’t you? I thought grimly and sat down by my own little cot taking the knife out and examining it.
It had an intricate design on the silver blade and I pricked my finger when I pressed my finger on the tip.
“Ouch.” I said softly but it didn’t hurt that bad. I recalled the events and felt the same confusion as before.
Whoever they were, they surely were crazy, I thought as the floorboards creaked.

I lay awake for a while listening to Manon weep under the pillows when she thought I couldn’t hear, the sound pricking at my heart.

I drifted off but sprang up at the noise I heard by the door surprising myself when I growled at the intruder.
Rowan was giggling. I wanted to crawl in a corner and die.
“Hey it’s not funny.” I told them wondering why my wolf had suddenly warned me.  They tried to restrain themselves.
“I’m sorry but you looked so comical just now.”
I huffed and folded my arms.
Rowan finally sat down beside me. I showed them the knife. Their eyes widened.
“That’s Rory’s knife!” they exclaimed quietly.
I raised an eyebrow at them.  “Huh?” I asked.
“It’s the boy I told you about, remember?” they said still admiring the knife in disbelief.
I was even more confused now. “How had Rory known I was here?”
Rowan shrugged. “I think he happened to be passing by.” they suggested then added excitedly. “Now that we have a weapon we can still make it.”
What is with these people being so hyper? I groaned inwardly but smiled nevertheless.
“I think I have a plan but I’ll tell you tomorrow night if you can visit again.” I said hurriedly whispering for her to go since I heard footsteps again.

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