Chapter 14

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"it's me"He answers.

"You didn't call for like a 7 months" I stood up and started walking around the room.

"yes, I know that", "you can memorize this number on your phone, it will be mine for some time" he added.

"why did you called me?" I asked.

"I need a little favor if you're still in Vegas" he answers.

I started walking around now faster. "I am, what do you need?" I said clearing my throat.

"I need you too quick rob gold jewelry store, and get blue goldish necklace that's in her.", "you can do that right?" he asked. I slowed down a bit,
clearing my throat again. "yes dad, it will be done till the end of the day" I answered.

"your such a good daughter, I will sent you the address of the store", "get that done and call me when you finish so I can sent guys to pick the necklace up" he explained. "sure" I said. "okay, thank you darling and you can take whatever you want for yourself" he added. "goodbye dad", "goodb- I cutted his words by ending the call.

He was calling like this before, to rob someone or something,to be somewhere for him, it was hard to hide that from Tamara, but I did it somehow.

He teached me everything when I lived with him because he knew I will have to manage him one day. I really don't want that day to happen. Because if it do happen I don't have any choice but to do it because I am his only child.


I got to my closet to find black robe.I got my key from one of my pants pocket and unlocked the drawer where my gun stayed. I got the gun in my pants just in case.I found a tight black shirt
and putted the rob mask in my pocket.

I researched about the gold store and found out it work till nine. I decided I will go at 12:00. Vegas is a night town but this store was almost at the end of the town. Of course my dad wouldn't give me to rob something in the center alone. I would need the guys with me. I once robbed one big store with them, but they treated me like a child and got me to make sure that no one is around.

I checked on Tamara, she was already asleep. That made it easier for me to sneak out. Usually she don't sleep till one a.m and just watch the tv then I have to go very late or have an excuse why I'm going out.

Last time I did this was long time ago. He hadn't call me in like seven months. I had to make a quick plan. I decided to go behind the store and slam the side glass to go in and than quick grab the necklace.

I needed a weapon for the glass because it's probably double glass. I remembered that we probably have a screwdriver in the living room.

I grabbed an empty backpack and left my room. I walked slowly on my tiptoes. I opened the drawer under the tv and I was right there was a screwdriver. I putted him into my backpack. I got the key of our apartment and slowly opened the door.

The whole building was dark, it was around 11 and 30.It will take some time to drive to that store it's far away from here.

I gotten in the elevator and pressed the button that says first roof.


I parked my car in front of the store. The street barely have any lights, which is pretty good.
I putted the rob mask on and slowly walked up to the store. I slowly walked around it. When I got to the side I saw there was only one camera,probably because it's really small store. I teared the part of my shirt and trow it on her.

I gotten the screwdriver from my pocket and slammed it to the glass.I got in and started searching for the necklace. For some reason there wasn't any alarm. I was sure there will be one. I got my flashlight and started searching for the necklace. It's in some glass box probably.

I searched a little more and finally found the necklace. It was in a glass box which I broke the same as the main glass of the store. I got the necklace in my backpack. It had few big diamonds on it and it was goldish with a little bit of blue.

I got out and sprinted to the car. When I got in I didn't even took the mask off I just pulled on the road and started riding fast.

I slowed down a bit to take off the mask. I got my phone to call my father. I just wanted to tell him that everything went well and I got the necklace.





"hey dad it's me"

"oh, sorry didn't realize"

"um okay, Anyways I got the necklace I am on my way home"

"that's great, you can wait in front of your apartment guys will be there waiting for you"


"I am proud of you" he said with a soft voice.


"bye Sara"



I finally gotten home. When I pulled over to park my car I saw two boys looking around for someone. That were probably my father guys.

I locked the car and started walking towards them.As I got closer  I recognized their faces.That were Nikolay and Novak. I know them from our few little missions together and my father trained them when I lived with him.

"Hi guys, long time no seen" I hugged them both.

"Hi Sara" They both said looking at me with smiles.

"you got the necklace?" Nikolay asked.

"yup" I answered while getting it from my backpack.

"great, your still good at this" Novak said while I handed him the necklace.

"our boss, I mean your dad will be so proud of you still accepting this" Novak said while getting the necklace in some box.

"yeah I know" I said with a little smile.

"do you think we should hang sometime?" Nikolay asked.

"yeah sure" I answered.

"give me your phone" I said looking at him.

"why?" he asked.

"you don't have my number dumbass" I said while typing my phone number.

"here" I handed him the phone.

"thank you" He said getting his phone into his pocket again.

"I can't wait till we see you, you have to know what happened in this few months we didn't seen each other."Novak said begin super excited.

" yeah guys I will have to tell you what happened in past few days and not to talk about months. "I said.

" okay than we will text you when we're free"Nikolay said.

"okay, see you then" I said. "see you" they both said while turning to walk away.


I gotten into our apartment, Tamara still sleeping hopefully.

I gotten into the bathroom to quick shower because I am really tired and it's midnight.

When I finished showering I gotten into my room and jumped on my bed like a five year old kid.

I picked some random YouTube video on my laptop  just to make me fall asleep.


I know it took me few days to post this but I was busy with school so forgive me.

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