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 Hey beautiful humans welcome to this story.

This short story is in honor of hitting my first year on Wattpad today and many more to come!

I hope you guys enjoy now let's get into the story.


Shawn could perceive the cozy sensation of the sunlight on his flesh.

His Temple was pounding with the hangover he had received last night from so much drinking.

With his eyes still sealed shut , he felt around for his phone on the nightstand.

Once he got ahold of it he unlocked his eyes, the bright light that came shortly after from the tiny device in his hand burning his hezel orbs.

He squinted them in an attempt to cease it.

Once he was able to focus on what was in his sight his pupils widened

My princess💖- Shawn? It's 1 a.m. where are you?

My princess💖- text me when you see this I guess, love you, see you soon ❤️ ️

Hi baby I got too drunk last night and Brian ended up taking me to his apartment, see you soon I love you ❤️

Of course that was a lie, he in fact didn't get too drunk, he remembers everything that happened that night.

He went to the club, found a girl and got her in bed, easy.

A breath of relief fell upon his lips.

He rotated his head to the left side of the bed, where the girl laid peacefully sleeping.

A layer of sweat laid upon her body identical with his, from the activities they did last night, a strand of brown hair was in contact with her right cheek, mouth slightly open in an O shape just like it had been last night.

He couldn't resist the urge to move the strand of hair behind her earlobe.

Her eyes opened slightly, a tired half-smile appearing on her small lips.

" well good morning" Voice still sounding tired the girl sat up.

He smirked, the pleading in her eyes for more of what he gave her last night clearly visible

" last night was amazing by the way".

This made his smirk widen.

He crawls over to her side of the bed slowly, on all fours, the tattoos on his arms on full display.

" was it? Was it all you hoped for"? He whispered on his way over to her.

She couldn't hold back the grin that was threatening to show, knowing what she was doing to him.

Immediately once he was finally in front of her he laid her down using his body weight.

His phone buzzing interrupted them mid kiss

He reached over and grabbed his phone from on top of the covers, seeing another text from Camila.

My princess💖- it's been 20 minutes since you sent that message, are you on your way?

Yeah I'm almost there.

Another lie.

My princess💖- okay but no more texting and driving mister!

If she only knew...

" everything okay Shawn"?

Shawn tore his eyes away from his phone and looked up at his one night stand who was laying in front of him pleading for more.

" yeah everything's fine, it's just my mum needs me to pick up my little sister from school", he got up from the bed quickly, grabbing his pants from the floor, and putting them on buttoning the buttons, along with his shirt.

" but it's only 10 a.m.".

" it's a half day" he put his arms through his jacket before leaning over and picking her lips," until next time Adeline" he whispered against them.

Before she could even say anything else her bedroom door slammed.

Something's going on here and she's gonna figure it out...


When you're writing your story and one of the people you're writing about posts on Instagram while you're writing it( AKA Shawn)

Anyways this is the first chapter of my short book" last summer" and I'm pretty sure you know what it's about already.

Originally this was supposed to be finished and posted all at once but I just got too excited and couldn't wait

Cover credits to writing_mendes thank you bestie.

And she also made the edit that's on top

Anyway it feels like I've been writing this for hours so I'm going to take a break and watch Riverdale ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

last summer S.M+CCWhere stories live. Discover now