Chapter one

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What am I doing here? Every day I seems like a waste of fucking time, so why do I always come back here? Right now it's lunch time and I'm in some area of this shitty school. For some stupid reason this is a lottery school. What a fucking joke. A couple of minutes before lunch started some girl got jumped. It was way too much commotion so I dipped. It's not like anyone would notice. For lunch we got sausages and French toast which is not only weird (because I personally think and everyone should think French toast and sausage is for breakfast) but repulsive. The sausage looks undercooked but overcooked at the same time and don't even get me started with the French toast it looks pathetic. The most pathetic French toast I've ever laid my eyes on. Last time I had one it had mole on it so I'll be skipping on lunch today just like yesterday. I should start making my own lunch, I know but it's such a bother I could just walk my ass after school and get me a spicy chicken sandwich and fries from Chick-fil-A( yeah their homophobic but I haven't been call the f slur by any fry yet so I'm cool).

"Excuse me, why are you out here?"Uhhh, this bitch again. "There were a lot of." She cuts me off before I could explain my perfect reason for being here. "What's your name?" "River." She looked at me like she was smelling shit. "You're seriously gonna lie to my face? Come with me." She tried to grab my arm with her nasty ass finger but I pulled back in time. Thank god. "I'm telling you the truth my name is River, and don't touch me I don't know where your hands have been." Maybe I shouldn't have said that last part out loud. I have a tendency of saying whatever I'm thinking out loud even if it's not so nice. "Sorry." Is the last thing I could say before this woman starts screaming at me. A crowd of people start watching this bitch have a whole episode. Like come on everyday she has tuna fish sandwich she sucks her fingers and never goes to the bathroom to wash her hands off. Fucking repulsing.

She grabs for my hand again this time succeeding, digging her hands into my arm. So hard I start bleed. At this point I should have dragged this bitch by her hair instructions but someone intervened. "What the hell's wrong with you? Don't you see she's bleeding you crazy bitch?!" Some girl in white Air Force and gray sweats. That's all I could see because I'm just staring at my arm while it bleeds her teal press on nails with a red tip of my blood. I guess she was trying to explain herself but all you could hear was her squealing. My 5th period teacher Mr. Hardy comes out. "What in the world is happening?!" she starts screaming again but somehow Mr. Hardy knew exactly what she was saying which made me feel bad. He must be used to her bullshit. "Miss. Clark her name is River and if she doesn't want you touching her she has the right." "Goddamn it." He says under his breath." Looking at my arm. "Miss. Hart I'm so sorry about this Miss. loads, could you bring her to the nurse?" The girl grabbed my hand and started walking me too the nurse. The second we got there I ran to her and hugged her. "Ma!" I started sobbing. I couldn't hold it in anymore. It was embarrassing and totally humiliating. "What happened River?" I tried to explain but I was too choked up so she asked the girl next to me. Hm? She's still there? "What happened Sasha?" "Well mrs.Hart as you can see." She reaches for my arm. But stop midway. Probably waiting for my permission to touch me.I told her it was ok and she does. She showed my mom, the nurse, my injury. " A teacher dig her finger in your daughters arm."

"Who did this to her?!" Too much screaming god my head hurts. "Excuse my language mrs. Hart but that bitch Miss. Clark." At this point you could just say that bitchy teacher and anyone at our school would know who you were talking about. "Are you serious?..." She takes her heels off and puts on her sneakers. At this point I caught myself. "Mama, what are you doing?" "Don't worry, STAY here ok sweetie." She quickly walked out of the room. How can I not worry? "So you're the nurse's daughter?" A boy says laying on the bed I didn't even notice him. "Yeah." It Sounds more like a question than a statement. "Well your mother is a really nice lady. She fixed up my nose real good." " What happened to your nose Matthew?" Sasha asked. "Well.." Matthew starts "when that girl was getting jumped I was beside her didn't even give me a chance to move just sneak her ass and I had to get caught up in it." He sighs but it sounds like he didn't mind. " you're Mathew Reed, when are you not in the middle of something or someone?" Sasha says. I get a better look at her. She wears a boondocks crop top and has passion twist. "But anyways he's right, your mother is the coolest, she even better than the old consular." You think so?" Matthew said getting off the bed.

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