
574 19 7

Warnings: mentions of anorexia, implied bad relationship with parents, spelling errors lskdj

OK OK LITTLE TIME SKIPPP so they talked about it and have everything planned out


The last I heard from bad was that he was being boarded and I was nervous it didn't take that long for him to get here- just a couple hours, then he'll be here.....

"AAAAAAAAAaahahahhahhHhahhHAHA im so neverus oh my god- ok ok- uhm so do I have everything ready-" I walked around and I mentally checked things off, "food-" ofc I mean I'm not eating it so I've got enough, though I have sometimes been able to eat- only when I've absolutely needed to, as in- I can barely move and my brain goes into "sEvIVe MOdE" and I start to eat like- something I know I used to love, and something that takes minimum effort be cause when I'm in that state I cant do much. Would bad make me eat? Probably not.

Then- "laundry" ,"living room" "bathroooooommmnnnoPe-" I pick up my... razors- and put them in the lower drawer "there-" next is- "bed" I look in my bedroom "all clean-" what about the guest bedroom-" I walk to the guest bedroom and see that I haven't even taken any of the bedding out of the packaging- "fuck am  actually this lonely-" I walk over to the bedding and un zip it "haven't even taken it out yet-" i start taking it out and putting it on the bed. Fluffing it up and flopping it on the bed again, it's a tedious process but I want this place to be perfect... perfect for dad....

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(((btw he's on the plane rn and he did all the things to do that- ive never been on a plane led alone been near an airport also ik bad doesn't like airplanes- but i jhfgkjhfdsn idk to late)))

I'm kind of scared to meet him, but i know he kinda needs me right now- so i gotta be strong for him >:D wow did i just think a text face- i need to stop doing those, anyway i wonder if he'll call me bad orr- darryl, or dad- he's been doing that alot, more than normal, normally its as a joke but he sounds like he means it....


Bad felt himself smile, 'AwwWwW-' bad thought 'He sEes mE aS hIS DaDD!!!' he was excited, he always liked kids and the idea of being a dad made him so happy, 'having a family, kids, a wife......maybe.....a husband-.........WAIT NO ugh whatthehelliswrongwithme' bad was now blushing and very embarrassed the thought of marrying a man had been on his mind, a little more than once, 'but like- who would even be my husband-' then he thought of someone......'skeppy.'

It took a bit for bad to fully realize what he just thought about, led alone implied 'OH MY GOODNESS WHAT AM I THINKING-' he was blushing more, and he would probably die if someone saw him like this, (((...no i'm not doing that)))

AFTER FLIGHT this time skip is sponsored by skeppys bank account probably the whole flight to-

He got off the flight and grabbed his things and texted sapnap

B:hey sappy just got off and got my stuff!

B:Including rat >:) You ready muffin head?


I was freaking out when I got a text from dad, glad it wasn't discord or I might have to actually see how many messages I've gotten from the rest of the dream team.... Dammit now i feel terrible, but i'll deal with that later dad's here- AAAAAAAA i'm so excited for thisss- oh right-i open the message and see what it said i read it aloud "hey sappy" i say with a slight giggle "just got off and got my stuff" then i saw the next message "including rat angry face- HAha-" i laugh at that "you ready muffin head? Uhm.." i respond with-

S: idk😓 am i 😏

"Oh i'm hilarious i know" i say to myself

B: oh my goodness you muffin head-

S:time to drive 😈😈 see you soon~

B: please don't crash

S: wow you don't TRUST ME?? Rude-

S: i thought we were in this together

S: but ig not

B:oh my gosh just get over here you muffin top-

S:hehe ok bad see you soon,

Time to actually get him

I get on some actual able-to-go-out-in clothes, and put on shoes. I grab the bag I have, (contents are: wallet, safety tools, multi tools, keys, water, snacks(justincase), prolly some coins.) and I go to open the door, but I pause.... What if dad doesn't like me, what if i'm too loud or annoying, no no just focus on getting dad.

I open the door, jesus its bright out here, when was the last time i went outside- but regardless i walk outside, get in my car and pull up gps on my phone to find the airport, "ah got it now- lets- nooo- i need music" i know what to listen to, "shut up and drive!!" (((by Rihanna))) i love this song, I heard there's a fanfic about it- don't know what it's about but it seems fun, i might read it with dream and geor- damn it.

I listen to the song and drive to the airport, i wonder if i should get food with bad- he's prolly hungry after the flight, shit that would mean i have to- UGH- i'll just ask him and hope he says no-

I walk in the building, and walk to the baggage pick up, and waited.


"I'm not worth enough for you to love"  [❤DreamNotNap❤] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now