Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: A training to survive, visit in the room of time, a fight in Goku's nightmare.

*** We are in prison planet 2, when Fu captured Goku, Kakarotto and Guko. But he also took his friends and on that planet there were also other versions of our heroes, such as those who are the time patrollers and those who are their male and female versions of the Warriors, although some have not changed because for him Ranko's father the female version of Ranma her father has not changed because he is still the same. They discussed their future over Evil Goku, Evil Goki and the other Evil Warriors, they tried to find a way, although it may not work.***

Mousse: Is there a method to solve that?

Kakarrot: I told the girls and Darien but I'm not going to say it in front of Goku since he would object.

Goku: Oppose?

Darien: Kakarrot told us that there will be several possibilities to avoid that future, one that if they eliminate Ker the goddess of destiny or her enemies could avoid that future.

Luna: The other option is that they will have to kill us to avoid that, but that won't solve anything because it would be like cowards if they want to do it. Although the third option is much worse.

Gohan: And what is it?

Rini: He told us that if he eliminated the future traitors that could already save the world but it would be an injustice and nobody will have to get killed to avoid that.

Hotaru: Although Kakarrot almost killed Chichi and Bulma when he threw them out of that truck.

Everyone was surprised that Kakarotto almost killed them and that was the reason he threw him although Kakarot also did the same in another dimension since they are his versions and things happen the same.

Kakarrot: That's right, maybe there is an option to avoid the future.

Goten: Does my mom really hate dad? Because I don't think so, I know she gets angry but I don't believe in betraying him.

Xeno Vegeta: Fu told us that there are other possibilities for them to betray him.

Xeno Sailor Chibi Moon: One is that they can hypnotize his loved ones into turning against him.

Xeno Lucy: The other is that they use an evil machine to turn the Warriors into cruel beings.

Xeno Goku: And the last one is that they will convince or make me see my other self and also its female version become cruel beings.

Goku: So that means that they don't hate me if not doing everything possible to make them hate me or maybe they already hate me, well then I'll help you guys improve your techniques and skills to prepare for battle.

Ranma: But how?

Ryoga: We may be Warriors who won't stop fighting until the end. But you are too strong.

Shampoo: Although we all face you if you are Evil Goku we could not with you, you used like 0.001% of your power and that means that we are not rivals for you.

Goku: Maybe but that's why I will help you with a very hard training.

Kakarrot: (In his mind) Although since we have his energies and we use them when our Ultra Instinct is activated, maybe we could draw his energies from our bodies and when the energy sphere unites in his body they could have the expectations and abilities, maybe Maybe like having the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan like those energy clones took out Cell Jr , but we'd have to upgrade them and get used to that power. (Now speaking) Well, let's find the time room to get ready, well you guys, but the problem is that no one knows where the room is, not even me.

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