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    "Oh my gosh, I hate going to school," I overheard a girl giggle to her friend as I walked out of the school building. I smirked and quietly whispered under my breath.

"Try having the entire demon population look down upon and hate you. Then you'll think of school as your haven." I scanned my surroundings just to make sure no one had really heard what I had said. I spotted a boy with brown hair staring right at me with piercing eyes that, even as a demon, I found terrifying. I quickly turned around and began heading for the exit. That's when it hit me. I had nowhere to stay. I nervously searched for a place that I could reside within for the time being until my plan was completed. I heard a cocky laugh and turned around to, once again, see the brown-haired boy from earlier.

"What?" I asked him in an exasperated tone. He gave me a cocky grin.

"Having trouble finding a place? I bet it's because you're a demon." My heart stopped the moment he said that. Did he really know, or was he just trying to insult me? Had he really heard me when I said that I was a demon? My head overflowed with questions, but I regained my composure and glared at him from across the street.

"Excuse me? Was that supposed to be an insult, or are you serious?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but then he shrugged his shoulders.

"Nevermind, I guess." I wasn't about to drop it, however. I wanted him to reveal what proof he had and see if I could prove it to be false.

"No really. Tell me why you think I'm a demon. Do I have scaly wings sprouted out of my back? A disfigured face? Inhumane features? Please enlighten me on why you think that I, of all people, am a demon." I cringed as I stated all the stereotypes for demons, which were wholly false. He rolled his eyes, and I glowered at him.

"I may have misheard you, but I thought you said you were looked down upon by the demon world. Therefore, I assumed, you too, were a demon."

"Don't be too quick to assume. Also, you are completely deaf. That is not even close to what I said. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going home." I quickly turned and walked in the direction of the library. I always went there before my nightly courses began, so I thought that maybe I could stay there overnight too. If not, my only option left was my mother's house. I quietly entered and smiled at all the librarians before I sat down to study and complete my homework. The reason I always came to this library was that it was full of educational books and was usually practically empty. I was itching to ask them if I could stay overnight for a while. I wrapped my hand around the large green sphere placed on a chain and sighed. I knew that I would be on earth for quite a while to complete my plan. I couldn't possibly stay overnight in a library for that long.

After a few hours, when it was time to go to my nightly Math course, I waved goodbye to everyone and headed to the university where the sessions were hosted. Usually, I didn't take much notice of the people in any of my classes, but one student caught my eye. I had never noticed him before, but, for some reason, I saw him then. It was the same brown-haired boy from earlier. He shot me a dirty look, and I returned it to him. As I sat down, a thought struck me. During roll call, I could learn his name and get rid of him. The teacher began calling out names, and everyone responded to their name by raising their hand.

"Annabelle Manchester." I saw that a red-haired girl in the front of the classroom raised her hand.

"Axel Matusek." The boy seated next to me raised his hand.

"Gabriel." Bingo. The brown-haired boy raised his hand and very quickly put it down. He then glanced at me, giving me a suspicious look. I looked straight and pretended like I hadn't seen him. My hand instantly wrapped around the necklace out of instinct. I could've killed him, but something internally told me to not do it. I felt like he could be useful to me somehow. After a few names, the professor called my name.

"Lilith Choi." I raised my hand lazily and put it back down. Soon, the professor began to ramble on about quadratics and derivatives. It was indeed a boring lecture, and my mind wandered off to the thought of killing Gabriel. He was a nuisance and could easily find out my real identity, so it was dangerous keeping him around. The harder I thought about it though, the more I realized that, even if I wanted to, I couldn't kill him. His surname was never stated, and the problem with the necklace is that I need to know his full name to kill him. I barely knew this guy, but getting to know him was the only way to get him out of my way. How had I thought of him as useful if he would get in my way? I couldn't explain that for some reason, but I knew I would eventually need him.

"So, demon, where are you going to run to now? I know you have no place to go." Gabriel smirked at me, but I simply walked past him, ignoring what he said or called me. I could sense him roll his eyes and walk away. I heard him mutter under his breath:

"Good luck finding shelter, demon." I didn't even care at that point and walked towards the house that I knew my mother lived in. I was kind of nervous to go to her home, because I wasn't sure if she'd be scared, me being a half-demon and all. I hadn't seen her for years, and I really missed her. I hoped she would be happy to see me. I slowly approached her house, which was embellished with colorful flowers and Christmas decorations. It made me warm inside to know my mother hadn't changed in the years I was gone. She was still a procrastinator who was obsessed with art and anything colorful. I slowly made my way down the cobblestone path, which brought back memories. We had made the trail together when I was four years old, and it was still just as lovely as it had been when we first created it. I made no haste to ring the doorbell, repeatedly withdrawing my hand from the button out of nervousness. Eventually, I gathered up the courage to ring the doorbell, and it was immediately opened, but not by my mom.

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