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 "Who are you?" the 14-year-old girl you answered the door asked me.

"I should be asking you that! Who are you?" I gave her a very perplexed look. Had someone moved in with a similar taste to my mom?

"I'm the girl who lives here? But I asked you first."

"I'm Chorong Choi's daughter," I stated firmly.

"Really? Mom never mentioned she had a daughter."

"I'm sorry, mom? Why is Chorong Choi your mother?" She looked me up and down with an even more confused look than the one I had on my face. At that moment, however, to break up the awkwardness, my mom came to the door. Once she looked at me, she began to weep.

"Lilith? Is that really you?" She wrapped her arms around me, and I returned the gesture, warmth filling my body. I nodded, and she hugged me tighter, all while the girl stood in shock.

"Why didn't you ever tell me I had a step-sister? I've always wanted a sister!" The girl gave us an excited grin, and we exchanged unsure glances. I could tell her that I wasn't around often, but I couldn't think of how to explain why I was always gone. My mother knew that I was part-demon because of her choice to fall in love with one. She also knew that I spent most of my time in Akumtundra rather than Earth.

"I'm normally not here. I spend my time mostly at my dad's house." I let out a breath I was holding in due to nerves. She gave me a slightly skeptical look, but then she nodded with a smile.

"I understand that. I lived with my mother for quite a few years before moving in with my dad. It's really nice to meet you, Lilith. You can sleep in what I think is your bedroom unless you actually aren't staying. By the way, I'm Adelaide, but you can call me Addie," she continuously rambled. I snickered at her antics and turned towards my mother.

"The truth is, I will be here for quite a while, for I am on a 'mission.'" She gave me a thumbs up in an understanding way, for had visited for short amounts of time on other "missions" I felt would improve the world. However, none of my other plans were as planned as the one I was about to go through. I slowly made my way into the familiar household with a few unfamiliar decorations, most likely contributed by my step-family. I gave a short and polite wave to a burly-looking guy seated in the living room. I headed up to my room, which thankfully remained unoccupied, and unpacked all my stuff. As if my mother knew I was coming, she had placed textbooks from school on a large bookshelf and filled the closet with clothing that would fit me. I flopped onto the bed and sighed. I wasn't prepared for the human world, even though I thought I was. I never expected to run into someone like Gabriel, who takes the time to go around and make his last name unknown to anyone. Maybe he was ashamed of his last name, but why would I know his reasons? The only problem I had is that I needed to get close to him. He seemed secluded, manipulative, cunning, and already suspected me of my true identity. It would definitely be a challenge to eliminate him, and I couldn't figure out why I was taking so much time to get rid of one measly Earthen folk. However, I was determined to get closer to Gabriel and learn his last name, or something else. I pulled the cell phone I had bought the last time I was on Earth out of my pocket and began to look through various social media apps. One story that was in my feed grabbed my attention.

"Three murders reported on the same day, possibly all the same suspect? Now that's something that I would be interested in." I opened up and read the article. I saw that it was filled with blurry pictures of the suspect and a lot of crap reassuring readers that the police were on the case and would quickly catch the suspect. However, what I saw the clearest was a clear photo of the person's identification card with their name on it.

"Quint Leslie Burren? Well, I guess if the police haven't caught you yet, I'll just do it myself," I said, a malicious grin spreading across my face. The charm on my necklace began to emit an ominously green glow, and my fingers gently wrapped around it. I always thought of his face and repeated his name three times. The necklace stopped glowing, and let go of it, deciding that I should take some rest on my first day of being on Earth for 24 hours. If I went and killed more than one person, it could turn out to be a bit too extreme, and the police could come after me. I set my phone on the table next to my bed, turned the lamp off, and fell into a deep sleep, formulating minuscule plans for all the ways I could get rid of certain people.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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