Chapter 16: The Warrior!

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The crimson haired goddess hovered in the inky darkness of space. Her body glowed with a reddish hue, as her eyes shined with the brilliance of a reddish dwarf star.

She traveled through the cosmos with a smile on her face as she thought about her future plans.

She was the demon of the crimson dawn, the demon of the red maw, she was the crimson Devour and soon she would meet her little sister.

Crimson Devourer: (Smiles.) ["I can't wait to see the little one .]

While traveling through the dark void the Crimson devourer spots from within the corner of her eye something green shining like a diamond in the empty void of space.

The crimson titaness smiled as she understood what exactly she was looking at.

Crimson Devourer: (licks her lips.) "Ooh look at what we have here... a small little planet. I was just getting hungry. (Blush.)

The Zot'ans were a people of courage and righteousness. Their people were warriors who believed only in their own strength. They cared not for failure or even those who knew defeat, they only wished for greater strength.

Abúye walked through the crowds of Zot'an
people with a sullen expression. Abúye hated this day of the Zot'an year. This day which was more precious than any other. This was the day of Vurth and Fuk, the day of warriors and battle.

Unknown: "There you are Abúye I was looking all over for you."

Abúye hearing the distant call of his name turns and sees a young Zot'an man running towards him.

Abúye: (Continues Walking) "Durlock... what do you want?"

Durlock: (Walks beside Abúye and chuckles ever so slightly.) "You still hate this time of year?"

Abúye: "What do you think?" (Grunts with rage.)

Durlock: "Oh Abúye where is your sense of holiday joy? The day of Vurth and Fuk is our most cherished holiday. It is a day that we celebrate our new warriors that will one day be blessed with the power of Vurth. On this day our future warriors will prove their strength in the Colosseum."

Abúye: (shakes head in annoyance.) "I know all that already. What I want to know is why do I have to be their."

Durlock: "You know why. Abúye you are the strongest warrior amongst the Zot'an people, it is your duty to stand and be witness to the new crop. To our future."

Durlock was right, Abúye already knew the reason he was walking these streets. Today would be a new beginning for many young warriors, they would obtain the most ancient power. The power of Vurth was a power that all Zot'an people had deep within their souls. It was pure energy that strengthened their bodies to the limit, allowing them to shatter mountains, split the green oceans and even defy gravity and fly through the sky.

Durlock: "Abúye no Zot'an warrior has been blessed with the power of Vurth like you..."

Abúye: "No! No one has trained as hard as I, training that I want to get back to. This holiday is a waste of time!"

Durlock: "What's wrong Abúye? Your attitude has to be about a lot more than just this Holiday."

Abúye: "I just want to do more. I train everyday seeking greater power, but why? What do I train for, entertainment?"

Durlock: "You make peace sound like a horrible nightmare."

Abúye: "For the strong it might as well be. This planet hasn't experienced a true war in a long time... Not since the 10 tribes had merged into one."

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