Chapter 8: Crazy Stupid Drama

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He stared at me incredulously. Then he burst out laughing.

"Okay, Meg, whatever you say," he just shook his head as if I was crazy.

"No! Seriously, my last name is Morel,"

"Okay, Meg, okay,"

"If you don't believe me, ask my brother."

"I will. After class," he reminded me once again that we were late.

"Oh, right, well I have Hebrew, so I am screwed, and you have Gym as your elective on Monday and Tuesday, and he is your biggest fan, so," I said, blushing as a realized how much like stalker I sounded. He didn't seem to notice.

"Actually, I have Hebrew now also. I transferred classes." He smiled at me. Why would he transfer out of gym? To take Hebrew of all things?

"Why?" I wondered. He kissed me on the cheek.

"Think about it," he whispered in my ear. I tried to ignore the goosebumps that tickled my arms as his breath hit my skin.

"S-stop distracting me, we have to get to class," I stammered. He took his hand in mine, and we walked to the Languages building. We walked into class, and I let go of his hand.

"Is there a reason you two are late?" Mr. Alon asked, with his Hebrew accent causing all his "r"s to sound funny. The principal decided to offer this course, because he said it was a "difficult" language and thus appropriate for our school. Probably, one of the few rich Jewish parents wanted this to be offered to their kids *cough, cough Anna*. The class consisted of six students. Aaron, Anna, Me, and three other kids. The teacher was still staring at me sternly.

"We, kind of got confused. New schedules do that..." I lied quickly.

"Uh, yeah," Aaron agreed.

"Well, I'll let you two off today with a warning. Because if I were to, eh, kick you out of the classroom, My class will be much, much smaller," He said. We took our seats, next to each other, and the teacher continued.

"I know it will be hard to get used to the language, but this is a smart school, I hear," He continued to drone on about the alphabet, consisting of 22 letters, which looked like really odd symbols. He gave us homework to search up what the vowel sounds are, and to bring it to class the next time we met, which was Friday. Three days was a lot of time to be able to do homework, and considering we only have two language days, this class would be a piece of cake.

When the bell rang, I headed off to AP Enviromental, seperating from Aaron who was taking Honors physics. Environetal Science was perhaps the easiest science course one could possibly take. Considering the fact that they would not offer AP Physics to my grade level, this was the other AP option besides biology. I hate discussing different bugs and plants and body parts and blood and disections. Blech. Of course, Grandmother fawned about the fact that Erin was in AP Biology, best suited for becoming a top doctor.

Mrs. Divola was a shapely lady with blue eyes and blond hair. She looked about late-thirties, and she had a smile that stretched from ear to ear. She was one of my favorite teachers, for her understanding of the material was excellent. And she was truly one of the kindest people I had ever met. She was one of the few teachers I missed over the vacation. I had some new teachers, like Mr. Alon because I took the early final for French II, and they weren't offering French III for the second semester.

"Hello, class! I assume all of you did the required vacation work, and if not, you may come talk to me after class!" she said brightly, "We have finished majority of the information, but we still have two topics left to cover: Pollution and Global Change. I am sure you will find Pollution and how it impacts the enivornment and human health extremely interesting. Turn to page 254. She continued on, all excited about Pollution. For homework, she had given us a sheet with practice FRQs to do one of our choice for the next day. She also gave us an FRQ to review and grade ourselves based on the AP grading system. The bell sounded through the building. Mrs. Divola dismissed us.

"We are done!" Allie sang out.

"Hey, Al, I have to talk to you, but how did Nick take it," I asked softly.

"Take what?"

"The break-up..." I trailed on, narrowing my eyes. "You said, you would break up with him, because you weren't sure if you loved him. I'm tell you right now not to lead him on Allie!"

"What are you taking about, silly? I love Nick, love him, love him, love him!" she exclaimed her voice getting louder and louder as she stared pointedly at someone behind me. The person was Mace; he glared at her and walked away.

"Okay, I have no idea what just happened, but that was not cool."

"I don't know what you are talking about," she shrugged and walked away. Something weird was going down between Allie and my brother and I had no idea what it was.



"I don't know how to put this, but my brother and Nick are the two of the closest people in my life. They are literally both my brothers, if your heart is not in it, end it now. But mark my words, if you do anything to hurt either of them. I will never talk to you again."

"You are just being stupid. I wouldn't hurt a fly," she laughed. It sounded so fake that it made plastic surgery look real. She started walking away. She turned around to face me.

"And Meg, don't talk about things you don't understand. You have only ever loved one person. you never have known what it's like to hurt someone else because you never needed to. Not to mention, you don't even seem to care how I feel. Thanks for being my friend too, Meg. I really really appreciate that."

She walked out with her blond waves moving like a burning fire. I heard the door of the building slam. I instantly felt guilty. I cared about her too. Allie was a great friend to me a lot of the time. SHe supplied my ice cream for when I was hurting,  and all I did was judge her. All I know is something was going on between Mace and Allie, and that Nick is somehow involved. But, I still didn't know what was going on. I had to find out. 


Finally writing again guys!

Next chapter P.O.V. Change to Mace, because I know you guys want to see exactly what is going on even though you may have an idea... 

What do you think is happening? 

Write what you think by commenting! 

Do It! 

Peace out homedog o.O

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