Girls night❤️

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She/her for reader
He/him for Camilo
Summary - you get a dare you didn't think you would
Warnings - none **unless you want a pt.2**

*Pls let me know on anything I need to improve*
Roses, that's all I can smell. Isabelas' room is just drop dead gorgeous, just like her. You're probably wondering why I'm in her room and well that's because it's girls night. Yay. Yea, that 'yay' was sarcastic. I don't really want to be here. I'm only here for two reasons. One, my best friend Mirabel made me come. Two, Camilo. Yes i'll admit it, I have a massive crush on my best friends cousin. I cant help it he's funny, kind, sweet and really attractive, so handsome. No one knows about my crush on Camilo apart from Mirabel. And probably Dolores. Anyways, girls night consists of me, Mirabel, Isabela, Dolores and Luisa, it's funny that there's 5 people here and no one can think of anything to do. Ugh, I'm so bored. After about 30 minutes of absolute boredom Isabela finally thinks of something actually good to do. "Guys, lets play a classic game of truth or dare." She looks around the room, waiting to see if anyone wants to play. "I'm so in!" I jump up. "Wow, someone's keen." Mirabel states as I go down to the floor just past where the bed is. "What? I'm bored." I shrug. "Yea, I'll play." Luisa is in. "I guess it can't hurt." Dolores joins down to the floor, isabela following. "Mirabel, you playing?" I question the girl in glasses. "Yep!" She quickly gets up off the bed and joins the rest of us.


"I'll go first and just so you guys know, I want this to be interesting. Ok." Isabela announces to the group. We all just look and blink at her. "Mirabel truth or dare?" Mirabel nudges her glasses up with her pointer finger. "Uh, I'm going to go with truth, play it safe for now yunno. Heh." She awkwardly smiles. Isabela thinks about what to ask. "Ok, are you actually ok with being ordinary? No gift?" It's a deep question. Mirabel is looking down. "Well, its hard yunno. Seeing all of you having something special about you. But I always manage to get on with my day so yea, I guess I'm ok with not having a gift." I just give her a smile of reassurance and whisper to her, "I think you're special in your own way, without a gift." Then I nudge her. I can tell she appreciates me being there for her. Hey, what are friends for. But then I get backstabbed, well not really. "Y/n, truth or dare." Great, my turn. I could say truth but I know we ask something that will reveal my crush on Camilo. If I say dare, I might be safe. "Dare." You can hear the hesitancy in my voice. Mirabel is smiling, evilly. Why, oh no why, why, why. "Y/n, I dare you to go into Camilos room and stay there till morning." Death. Keep in mind that it is 11pm right now. "WHAT! Are you crazy, it's late. He is probably asleep. I don't want to wake him." I'm blushing even thinking about it. Everyone is smirking at me then they all start speaking.

"Do you like him?"

"Omg, she has a crush on Camilo guys."

"Huh. Didn't see that coming."

"Are you gonna chicken?" Mirabel imitates a chicken. How funny is she. "Stop. I'm no chicken." I roll my eyes, annoyed but deep down I'm really happy. Ugh, now I have to actually get up and go to Camilos room. "Have fun." Luisa mentions to me as I'm walking towards Isabelas door to leave. "Haha funny, I'll see you guys tomorrow then I guess. Adiós." I open the glowing wood frame and walk out, gently shutting it behind me hoping to not disturb anyone.


"Dolores you better be listening to them." Isabela exclaims. "Already ahead of you."


I sigh, I hope he's asleep. It'll be a bit easier for me to stay in his room. Not creepy at all. As I make my way to Camilos room I look at all the details on the doors as I pass them. So pretty, the golden glow is so magical. Sooner or later I make it to his door, another sigh. 'It'll be fine, just walk in like the creep you are.' I take a deep breath in and slowly lift my hand to the doorknob, twist and push. It's dark. I really quietly slip in through the door and very softly close it. I let out the breath I've been holding and turn around. I can't really see because of how dark it is. I hope I don't bump into anything. This is weird, why did I agree to this. Oh that's right, chicken. I take two little steps forward with my hands out in font of me to feel anything that comes into my path. I take another step forward and because I'm extremely clumsy, I trip and fall all the way down to the floor. "Ow." I begin to get up but instantly freeze when the lights turn on. "What are you doing?" Great, just great. I'd recognise that voice anywhere, I hesitantly turn around to face Camilo who is holding a plate full of food, of course he's eating. "I uh, thought this was the bathroom." I give him the most unconvincing smile. He is looking at me like I'm the dumbest person alive. "How can you mistake the bathroom with my door that is glowing and very clearly has my name on it?" I drop my 'smile' and sigh in defeat, I give in. "Okay fine...It's girls night tonight and we were bored so Isabela came up with truth or dare and when it was my turn I said dare and Mirabel dared me to stay in your room till morning and I told her that you'd be asleep but if I didn't do it she mock me as a chicken so here I am." I gasp for air as my lungs are empty. A very confused Camilo just stares at me processing what I rambled out, its very awkward. He takes a breath and blinks, "Ok." Ok, O.K. "Ok?" I'm questioning what he means by ok. As he speaks he moves over to his bedside table and puts his plate of food down. "Ok, you can stay in my room. I'm not complaining hermosa." Did he just call me beautiful or am I imagining it? I just shrug it off. Why is he letting me stay, I thought he'd be mad or something. "Why?" I question the boy I'm front of me. "Why are you beautiful? Well I'll list them all, one, is your e-" I cut him off, I'm definitely blushing. "NO! Why are you letting me stay in your room?" He doesn't say anything, he just licks his lips and slowly makes his way towards me. With every step he takes I take one backwards until I was against the wall, trapped in is arms. "Because I like you, mi amor." He kisses me.


Should I do pt.2

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