Valentines day🧡

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She/her for reader

He/him for Camilo

f/f - favorite flower

Summary - Just a happy valentines day with Camilo

warnings - none just fluuuffff!!!


-Readers pov-

February 14th, Valentines day and for the first time in all my 15 (If you're not 15 just put your age. pls nothing over 18 and under 12.) years of living I actually have a Valentine. Camilo Madrigal, the shapeshifter of the Madrigal family. My everything. Ever since I met him my life changed, I changed into a happier person. He is just truly the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, so today I'm going to spoil him like he deserves. I have a plan in order for today, first is gifts. I, like Mirabel, am creative and made him a yellow, wool chameleon. It's a bit quirky but I think he'll like it and a sunflower, a beautiful vibrant yellow sunflower. Second I was planning a little picnic out on the grass so I brought some croissants in a straw picnic basket, I also baked him some heart shaped cookies with yellow icing and mini red hearts in the middle. I know he likes food so I made sure I brought lots of it. Third, after the picnic we will come back to my place and cuddle while watching his favorite movies. Now that's just the plan I need to actually put that plan into motion, so that's what I am doing right now. I'm making my way to la casita with a smile plastered on my face, my happiness blooming. I hope he likes everything I've planned for us.


I finally arrive to the entrance of la casita taking a breath and knocking on the wooden door. Antonio opens it with a big smile. "Hola Antonio." I give him a little wave. "Where is Camilo?" He says nothing but walks forward, grabs my free hand and drags me up the stairs past Dolores's door to Camilos. He has a mischievous glint in his eye, the suspicious little boy beside me grins and bangs on his brothers glowing door and then bolts away leaving me confused. I place my basket of goodie down beside me and the door in front of my opens, revealing a very handsome Camilo. He isn't wearing his yellow ruana, just his white button up and his (I'm guessing) dark jeans with his hair brushed and slightly, only slightly gelled back. He's so pretty, all I can do is stare in astonishment. He is absolutely gorg- "y/n!" I blink 2 times, coming back into reality. "Sorry mi amor, your beauty is just mesmerising." I state, looking into his green eyes a blush forming across both our cheeks. I go to peek inside his room only to see a small glow considering my boy is standing in front of me. "What's going on in there." I point back into his room. "Oh, that. Yea, well, uhhh-." One of his hands go to his hair while the other gently grabs my hand to pull me into his room. We slowly enter and I see lowly lit candles spread around the open space and from where we are standing at the doorway there are f/f petals placed down in a path towards a mysterious object further in his room. Camilo steps behind me, letting me go first to walk down the beautiful smelling road of petals. Camilo is still close behind me, lovingly holding my waist. As I'm walking I look around, taking in the stunning surroundings. The candles giving off a soft yellow glow and there is a melody playing in the background, my smile can't get any bigger at this point. I finally arrive at the mysterious object, revealing it. Its a beautiful array of f/f that is shaped in a heart, a photo of us laughing together in the middle. I look over my shoulder with the biggest gin. I know the he knows I love it but he askes anyways. "So, what do you think?" I look back to the work of art. "This- this is amazing mi bonito (My pretty) thank you!" I fully turn around and pounce on Camilo, giving him the biggest hug in the world, he wraps his long arms around me squeezing me closer. "It makes my gift not as good." He puts my down on my feet. "I'm sure whatever you got me is just as perfecto but no gift can compare to you, you are the most beautiful gift I could ever want." OMGGGGGG!!! "How did I get so lucky!" I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. "Ok my turn."


I grab his arm and pull him back out of his room to where my basket is. I pick it up with one hand and take Camilos in my other starting to walk down the stairs. "Where are we going, mi vida?" He questions me. "You'll see." I giddily grin at him and we exit casita, the doors shutting behind us. We walk a bit further down the path until we get to a nice grassy spot in the sun. I let go of Camilos hand and place my basket down, opening it. I pull out a nice soft, pink rug and lay it out on the floor, I then gesture my hands for the madrigal to sit down. He does without complaint, all happy and exited to see what's gonna happen next. I sit opposite him, the basket in the middle of us. I reach over and go to grab the chameleon but before I take it out- "Close your eyes." He does. "Hold your hands out." He lifts his arms up, opening his hands. I take the small wool creature out and place it atop of his palms. He scrunches his eyebrows and opens one eye, peaking and then opens them both. He looks at the yellow animal, adoring it and then looks at me. "You made this?" He very carefully places it in his lap, surprise on his features. I nod with a 'mhm.' "I also got you a sunflower aaand made cookies Amanda brought more lunchy foods." He does this funny squeal thing and his hands fly up to his cheeks in amazement as I pull out the flower and a plate of yellow heart shaped cookies with the red hearts in the middle. I proceed to bring out different varieties of food. "EEEEEEEE!!!" I can tell that Camilo is in heaven.


About six minutes and thirty-two seconds later all the food has vanished into our bellies. "They were the best cookies I've ever eaten an-and the best lunch I've had in my whole entire life, I really really enjoyed this. gracias hermosa (Thank you beautiful)." He leans over the now empty basket and kisses me. He eventually pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "This is the best Valentines day ever." I silently agree. kissing him on the nose. We then head back to my place to watch his favorite movies, a night full of cuddles awaits!



I hope you all had a great day. Xx

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