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We're now going to find out what it is that made yjh avoid kdj. 


This happened three months ago…

The battle between the Kim Dokja's Company and the Dukes was getting nearer to the conclusion. Dead bodies of their allies and enemies were scattered on the ground. While the sound of explosion and activation of skills or stigmas was still pouring on both camps.

Kim Dokja with his newly summoned Pluto– Kim Namwoon was now clashing to a steel giant imitation of Pluto.  

[You called me out to destroy this crappy toy?]

He didn't retort and just looked to where Yoo Jonghyuk had gone off, currently chasing after Asmodeus who suddenly joined the fray. He was worried because Asmodeus was a tricky opponent, that's why he summoned Kim Namwoon to finish the battle and chased after him. Meanwhile, Yoo Jonghyuk was far enough to be within the vicinity of the battle. 

“Keheheheuk! Why was the Conquering King so obsessed with catching me?” Not a nuance of fear could be detected from his tone, Asmodeus rather found the situation enjoyable.

Yoo Jonghyuk increased his speed before answering. “An unknown variable should be eliminated.”

“You ain't fun to talk.” Asmodeus clucked his tongue, then it morphed into a hideous grin. “Still, isn't it fun to see how far your expression can go? I would like to–” His voice was abruptly cut off when he saw the blade fly over his nose and tilted his head. Yoo Jonghyuk missed. 

“Eii~ That's not good behavior.” 

Yoo Jonghyuk keeps attacking, not minding Asmodeus' blabbering. Asmodeus felt somewhat disappointed at the sight, so he tried to cook up something that might incense his opponent.

“You know that guy...” Asmodeus watched Yoo Jonghyuk's reaction as he kept deflecting his assault. “Kim… hmm… what was his name again?” To his surprise, he saw Yoo Jonghyuk falter for a second. “Ah! Right. Kim Dokja, the Demon King of Salvation.” His smile widened when he saw Yoo Jonghyuk's change of mood as he recited Kim Dokja's name. 

“Don't say his name with that mouth of yours.” His voice released a heavy pressure that might shake someone's soul. He seems infuriated as if he's ready to kill every entity who dirtied or spoke with ill intention while using that very name. 

His continuous attacks multiplied and the power within also amplified. The activation of his skills accelerates from [Hand to Hand Combat] to [Hundred Steps Godly Fist] to [Advanced Weapons Training] then [Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship] and so on. He also used [Red Phoenix Shunpo] to increase his movements and [Strong Self-Defense] to protect his body.  

Asmodeus was becoming more astonished to see Yoo Jonghyuk looking like that. He doesn't care if his body was being ripped apart or if more injuries appeared on him, since it was just an incarnation body– he wouldn't die from it. 

As a member of the Gourmet Association, what entertained him the most was eating or seeing a 'fun' story. And the scene in front of his eyes gave pleasure and made him exhilarated. That's why he planned to watch the story more and revealed information about Kim Dokja, because…

“That man is a singularity.” Asmodeus' left arm severed from his body. He wasn't defending anymore, since he chose to spectate from far away until the story was ripe enough to eat. Asmodeus continued to open his mouth without batting an eyelid on his condition.

“I know you feel it too, right? There's something about him that I couldn't define. His aura… pressure, and presence that was hiding within him. A secret that even 'you' and his comrades don't know about.” He emphasized the 'you' as if to mock him. 

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