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Secretive Plotter was currently searching for a world-line where they could live and stay. He even left the Most Ancient Dream at the care of 999th turn Outer Gods. 

As Secretive Plotter quietly explores the universe, he suddenly stops his tracks and glances at a certain world-line. 

‘This presence!’

He clearly knew whose presence owns it. 

Secretive Plotter decided to check that world-line and entered it. He traced the location of that presence, until it led him to a small house. 

He saw a woman holding a baby boy in her arms. The baby boy was sleeping peacefully under his mother's lullaby. However, there was something strange about the baby boy. Secretive Plotter stared at the baby's chest and saw a mark releasing an ominous aura. It was in the shape of a clock with only one hand. 

‘Kim Dokja.’

‘... He reincarnated as a cursed child.’

That's what Secretive Plotter observed the moment he looked at Kim Dokja. 

He left the area and went to a small village located far from his previous location. At a normal looking house, he saw a pregnant woman eating healthy food. Secretive Plotter lowered his gaze to her belly.

‘Yoo Jonghyuk.’

Once he confirmed the two identities of the owner of the presence, he decided to choose this world-line as a place to live. 

He left the world-line and brought the Most Ancient Dream with him. The 999th turn Outer Gods said would follow after them, seems like they have other things to do. 

When he returned to that world-line, Kim Dokja was already 15 years old– the same age as the Most Ancient Dream. He also felt several familiar presences located at different places in this world-line. 

‘How surprising. They all reincarnated in this world-line.’

‘However, some things are different from the previous world-line.’

An example of that was the constellations. They weren't aggressive unlike to 'that' world-line. They were mild and chose to keep their hands away from human business. They weren't also <Star Stream> that would force the people living in this world-line to do a scenario.

“Dokja-yah.” He called the Most Ancient Dream's name. The latter turned towards him. “I'll be leaving for a moment. Stay here and behave, okay?” He gently said to him, 

After he said that, he left the Dark Castle and went to a temple to meet someone he didn't thought he would meet once again. Still, Secretive Plotter already let go of the past the moment he achieved his ■■, so he didn't let it bother him. 

The moment Secretive Plotter entered the audience chamber uninvited, the two women beside the blonde woman stood up. It was Selena Kim and Iris Vladimirovna Rebezova, while their leader was none other than Anna Croft.

“Who are you?”

“How did you come here?”

They were about to walk towards Secretive Plotter but stopped by Anna Croft. “Stand back.” 

However, they were opposed since they were worried about her. So, Anna Croft added. “You won't be able to beat him, so stay back. I know he'll come today.” With no choice, they agreed and just spectated.

Once Anna Croft saw this, she shifted her glance towards Secretive Plotter. “What does an Outer God want to do with me?”

“I need your help.” He said without hesitation.

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