32. Ice

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Katherine's pov

Raf and I walk away from the room we held the meeting in.

"Where are we going?" I ask Raf.

"Just follow me" She says and walk upstairs. We start walking down the hall and stop in front of a door. I look at the handle and I see that it's quite different. Raf places her finger on top of the handle and the door opens.

"Fancy" I say and I walk in behind her. It's a small room but it's covered with screens. Raf sits on a chair and starts typing aggressively.

"If we want to have the upper hand in this war, then we have to get whatever it is in that warehouse. We have the advantage of knowing the code. With some luck and my amazing tech skills, we'll find it in no time" Raf tells me, not taking her eyes off of the screen.

"I understand what you want to do, why am I here?" I ask.

"Because, I might need the code" She says and I nod.

"Oh Dios mío" {Oh my god} Raf says after a while and I look at the screen, not understanding shit.

"What is it?" I ask and she looks at me.

"It's in Italy. Check it out" She says and stands up showing me the screens on the wall. She walks towards the screen showing a map and I walk behind her. The map shows Italy which on top of it are two red and one blue dots.

"Should I understand something?" I ask her, confused.

"The red dots are the powerful Mafias, Toni's and Marco's. The blue locates radiation, which right now concerns us. Look how close the blue dot is with that red one" Raf says and I look a little closer.

"That red dot is Toni's Mafia. The warehouse is way too close to the mansion" I tell her.

"It's a good thing that you got the code when you did. If they'd get it, they'd probably attack you the same day. Kath, I'm pretty sure you're the reason Toni's Mafia is still standing. From what you told us, you, Toni, your brother and Toni's sister were at Greece. I'm pretty sure there were bombs in there and they were waiting for the code. They were counting on you guys to be distracted. They would have blown everything up, and they would have killed you the same night" Raf says looking at me.

"We have to tell Toni" I say and she nods.

"The location is known, so I'm not going to need you anymore. I can do the rest on my own" She says and I nod at her before exiting. I start walking towards my room and I bump on Toni.

"Hey, I was looking for you" I say.

"Oh really?" He asks me with a grin and I follow my eyes.

"Raf found the location of the warehouse" I say.

"That's great, where is it?" He asks.

"It's near your mansion in Italy" I say and he looks at me,shocked.

"No" He says.

"I know right? Like where was-"

"No I mean it's not mine" He says and I look at him, confused.

"It's ours" He says and I smile.

"Ours?" I ask with a stupid smile on my face.

"Yeah. And now that we are saying, go get ready, we have a date at 8" He says. We have a date in 5 hours, the time is way too limited.

"Dress code?" I ask him.

"Val will help you" He says and walks away from me.

"Come on, let's get you ready" I hear Val say from behind me and we are walking towards my room.

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