38. The end of battle

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                          Katherine's pov

My gun goes off and the next thing I hear, is Derek's scream.

"Fuck!" He screams and I walk towards them.

"Sorry brother but until we find a way to fix you, you ain't killing anyone" I say and hit the back of his head with my gun, knocking him down.

"Kath?" Raf asks and I run to them.

"Are you two alright?" I ask them hugging Toni. As he wraps his arms around me, I can hear him whisper "thank God you are ok" and I smile.

"Yeah we are" Raf says and we break our hug.

"Are you alright?" Toni asks me.

"Yeah but nothing is finished yet. Dimitri escaped before I could kill him. He shot Nat and I had to help her" I say.

"Shit, is she alright?" Toni asks.

"Yeah she's fine. The wound wasn't that deep" I say.

"Good. Now, Derek said something about a huge tank. Is that legit or was he full of bullshit?" Raf asks.

"Well, Marco did leave from the base so it could be that but-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, before a shot was fired from afar, landing though only a few meters away from us. It sends us a powerful wave, throwing us a few meters away.

"Fuck!" I say as I land on my back.

"Are you alright?" Toni asks, running towards me as I sit up.

"Yeah but this shit ain't over" I say and stand up.

"It seems that Derek was right" Raf says and I take a deep breath, walking towards the warehouse.

"Well, since we are here and what Derek says is true, let's end this one and for all" I say and walk over to the door.

"Are you serious?" Toni asks, not believing me.

"Deadly" I say and they walk towards me. I press 4061 and the door opens.

"Wow!" I exhale as I see all the weapons.

"Well, grab one and get out of here!" I say.

"Not so fast! Dimitri's bitch shot him before he could do anything, but no one is going to stop you now! Hand me the fucking guns!" Marco yells at us and Toni starts speeding towards him.

"Toni!" I yell as Marco starts shooting him, but he is wearing his vest, so no damage can be done to him. He grabs Marco by his collar and he punches him right on the jawline.

"That's for torturing my girlfriend you piece of shit!" He yells before punching him again. I see Marco's hand move to his knife and I run to him, grabbing his hand twisting it.

"Not gonna happen, asshole" I yell at him.

"Fuck off you bitch" He shouts and he takes out his gun, pulling the trigger. Toni stands in front of me, getting shot by the bullet.

"You are not gonna hurt my girl again!" Toni says and Raf shows up from behind him, stabbing his neck with a small knife. A liquid runs downs the knife and I realize it's poison.

"I got tired of him talking" Raf says and walks towards the guns.

"Come on, let's get the guns and get out of here" I tell Toni but be stays silent, with his back is turned towards me.

"Toni?" I ask and he, slowly, turns around, with his hand covering a part of his stomach but my eyes didn't fail to capture the red liquid, slipping through his fingers before falling down.

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