Ch 3

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it's been a week avni joined the football team and it's her first match..
Every one was cheering for there own school teams.. Neil was also the one who was cheering for avni.

Holy child's match was with Sent Mary..
The match was really satisfying for HCEAns (Holy child English Academy)
As they have won it.

Neil“Avi that was awesome you are just a amazing player..” Neil said this in one go not realising he said Avi rather than avni.

Avni lift up her lashes and saw Neil for a minute and smiled than the whole gang came congratulated her.

Avni was standing near her locker wiping her sweat from the towel then Neil came.

Neil prov
Neil don't be scared go for it man!

Neil“avi, ” he called out her name than she turned her gaze on him

avi we can have icecream today?” Neil said in a go avni smiled at him and said ok.

In the ice cream parlor

Neil “ umm  avni you seem very quite is there something which is bothering you?”

Avni“Neil my dad cheated on mum and now they are getting divorce and I need to choose one with whom I need to stay”  avni finally spoke up her problem to neil which she carrying inside her.

“I want to stay with both of them but now the court will decide it ” Neil just looked at her not saying anything

anything I can do for you? ” Neil asked while avni gazed at him and said“I guess a hug... A warm hug?”

Neil didn't said anything just hugged her she also hugged him back after a minute they broke the hug..

Time skips

It was the court hearing the court decided avni would stay with her mom but her dad can meet her only with the court's permission...

Neil was little scared he thought if avni's parents would be separated than she would leave the city but she said him that they will be staying at the city..

Neil and avni usually goes for ice creams, they study together at Neil's house..

It was their result day of 12 th broads..

Whole school was filled with joys and laughters Everyone passed with excellent grades..

It was 2 years of avneil's bond avni joined the school when she was in tenth standard...

In this 2 years many things changed, Neil fell for avni, avni fell Neil, but never  to confess to each other scaring to lost their Priceless friendship,sid started be friends with avni..

Neil prov
Avni I love you but i am scared what if you don't feel what I feel for you, what if you break our friendship, what if you start to hate me?

“Neil what are you thinking?!” avni said as she dragged Neil with her.

“woah avi stop I need to tell you something? ” Neil said trying to stop avni..

What avni asked not paying attention to Neil dragging him to the corridor 

“I am leaving tomorrow to delhi my dad is shifting his business in Delhi” Neil said making avni freeze at her standing position slowly she detangle her hand from his.. Neil surely he didn't liked it when he lost her warmth. Avni turned towards him 

“Neil if it's a joke I need to say you you're very bad at cracking jokes” avni said not believing Neil..

Neil didn't said anything but he hugged her tightly now avni believed him she hugged him even more tightier  her eyes turned glassy..


Avni prov
I love Neil I will confess it today.. If he rejects me than also at least I would have satisfaction that I loved someone and I confessed it I tried it..
I firstly I will be taking him to class than I will confess to him.

Flashback  ends

Avni prov
Why me always, I wished to stay with my parents, I wished Neil to be mine but that's also not me!

Avni broke the hug but Neil wasn't in mood to leave he wants to feel her more and more at least he is feeling her warmth which he will be not feeling by tomorrow..

“avi tomorrow you will come na to  give me farewell? ” Neil said with hope in his eyes,

“umm actually I will be going to somewhere so I can't make it, but have a safe journey, be successful, and don't forget me.. Lead a good life Neil.. ” avni said with a heavy heart neil's last hope was also broke down to see avni when he flies to delhi..
Avni was not able to say anything so she walked off.. Thinking this would be their last meeting... But turned and came back to Neil

“Neil thank you for all the moments
You gave me you are really faithful friend. ” saying this she hugged him..
And walked off.. Not gazing at Neil for once.

Neil eyes we're filled of their 2 years memories, and those memory formed a tear and fell from neil's eyes and he stand there until avni went out off his sight..

Leap of 5 years....

Will avneil meet again?

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