ch 7

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Checking upon the patients avni sighed it was a tiring day, but her mood was good
"Something in you, lit up heaven in me".

'uncle D'Souza you're late again for your check ups, ' Avni said one of her MOST favorite patient,

Uncle upped his eyes and a smile appeared in his eyes 'You're happy my child, did you found your precious thing which was lost years ago? '

Avni smiled'you remembered? Yes but not sure now come let us do the check up '


While going back to her home avni's phone beeped with a message.

Hey Avni are you free today? Let's hung out. What say?

Avni smiled and replied after 5 mins

Ok. But where and time?

Avni's phone instantly beeped again

At the same cafe we met yesterday. 7:30.

Avni smiled and looked out the window in her cab.

Avni was eagerly waiting for the clock to hit 7:30 pm as each passing minute was difficult for her to keep her feets at home, avni took a quick shower slipping into her SO SO cute outfit

Avni was eagerly waiting for the clock to hit 7:30 pm as each passing minute was difficult for her to keep her feets at home,  avni took a quick shower slipping into her SO SO cute outfit

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With the white sneakers the Outfit was enhancing the beauty of avni,

CAFE 8:15 pm

Avni was late yeah Delhi traffic!
Reaching near to a table of two she settle down but there was no trace of Neil

'Did he ditch me? ' was only a thought coming across avni's mind, 30 mins past Avni lost her patience was about to leave,

NEIL pov

I am late yeah indeed, what if she left thinking I ditched her. I was busy but arghhh!!

9:00 pm
Avni pov
Enough I have self respect and I can't lose it.

With a heavy heart avni was about to leave when she reached the door and saw Neil with a Bouquet of White roses as a gesture of sorry towards her.

Sorry you know the traffic of Delhi, I didn't wanted to be late but you know.. Neil said in one go while Avni's face had a satisfaction which she didn't wanted to show him. Can we just sit and talk Neil said pointing at a empty table.

Avni i am really sorry i didn't want to be late and this please accept my apology please i insist. Neil said forwarding the bouquet of white roses and noticing avni didn't utter a single word after his arrival.

Avni took the flowers and smiled a little won't you talk to me? Neil said noticing her quietness which as it was driving Neil crazy

No actually I was kinda disappointed with you, but let's not talk about it. Yeah I will talk to you. Why not avni said trying to sound sarcastic Neil was about say sorry again but she brusted into laughter Neil just look at you I was kidding. And the thing you should inform me atleast i thought you ditched me still laughing.

I won't ditch you avni. NEVER. Neil said with some different kind of agony in his voice which went unnoticed by avni as she was too busy in laughing.

"Sir, ma'am what would you like to order for the evening." the waiter came up

I will go with Margherita pizza. Neil ordered.

And you ma'am?

Caprese Salad with pesto sauce. Avni placed her one.

The order will be shortly served. And would you guys like a complimentary dessert as it's Free for the couples this evening for the wedding anniversary for our owner. The waiter said gazing at both of them.

yeah sure. Neil agreed in no time while avni stared at him. Neil didn't tried to look towards her.

Soon the order arrived and the cafe's light was dim it was a cozy environment all around the cafe. The song ~Perfect~ was softly playing in the cafe it was less crowdy compared to other days. Some of the couples were dancing erotically.

Things were getting awkward for avni. As avni was liking all these she wanted this all since their school days going out with Neil and it seems Neil was enjoying avni's awkward state. She was eating her salad and Neil was stealing glance glance from time to time when things got more worse when she saw the couples on the dance floor kissed each other and her face flushed red. Neil saw that and even he turned red.


Heyaa updating this story after so long and yeah I am not really available this days because of the pressure of broads.

Vote, share and follow for more and yeah comment down your thoughts on upcoming chapter and a feedback will motivate me to write. Thanks

Byeee >>>>>>>>>
check out the vm too
Ps it's not edited please bear it.

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