ch 5

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7th of february the falling of dry leaves and everyone in Delhi was dressed warmed

Avni was on her duty when miss jolly come.. She is the nurse with a vintage soul her white hairs and her gold pendant which she bought in her 20s was a rare one till date
Miss jolly“hello young lady”avni replied in a smile “the director wants to meet you. ”avni raised her eyebrow and looked at miss jolly for few moments and said “the director wants me to meet him? But why". “You never know sweetheart. Some opportunities are only a lifetime.”miss jolly walked away keeping making avni frown..

Avni left to meet the director but was clueless.. Where to go? What to say? Everyone she worked with said he was a handsome with a cold exterior and arrogant attitude.. But no one saw him which was very strange  indeed he was the richest Asian man but no media has his pics.. Nor the google had. Am I going to meet him? Am I going to see the most suspicious man?  Avni thought while walking through the corridor her steps echoed all over the office.

The office was so elegant so quite that anyone can fall in love with silence with the office the perfect design of calligraphy avni turned around to have the view of the office.

Christ called out avni's  “ doctor what are you doing here.? ” avni replied“sir actually the director called miss jolly... ”“but sir left  an hour ago. Miss please go to your ward.. Don't waste your time. ” chirst replied and left. Avni felt Insulted but left the office..

Christ “sir as you said I have done it. ”he replied“don't be so rude to girls. Leave ”christ nodded and left murmuring.  

Avni was finally free from her duty and she left for apartment.. “rhea... Where are you?" Avni said locking the apartment door. “here.”rhea replied from the kitchen..

this food is really well done gurl” avni said enjoying the chicken curry and some rotis “I know I am the chef so it will always well done. ” rhea said being proud. “listen avi I will be leaving now and will be coming next month so take care.”rhea said she hugged avni. Avni hugged her back  and dropped her at the airport  and left to the nearest cafe 

And  ordered for a latte and read a book THE BLUEST EYE

“How beautiful delhi looks during the evening..” avni thought.. And a boy entered  it was so crowdy that avni can't see his face. When avni was  about to exit the cafe she bumped with someone and fell on the ground with her book.. It was man, a handsome man with deep eyes and love in them waiting for a person for whom he have preserved it.

Neil!  Came out as a mere whisper from avni's mouth she more than happy seeing him..

Neil prov

Avni my love, I love you finally we met.. It's just like my dream came true oh shit she felll..

Neil helped avni to stand ..

Avni hugged Neil and tears started to from in her eyes  they broke the hug and avni quickly wiped her tears of joy..

“long time, how are you?”avni said “avi don't be so formal! ” neil exclaimed.

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