(basically, it's like this book is a movie or smthn, I'm directing it, and this is the behind the scenes lol)Me: alright, that scene is done! Oprah! You're up- Hey! Polly?
Polly Graph (my assistant): Yes, director?
Me: where's Oprah?
Polly Graph: She's waiting for her-
(Ms. O storms into the set)
Oprah: Where's my juice box?!? I only agreed to act in this book on one condition and that's a single juice box!!!
Me: (aggressively shoves juice box into hand)
Me: Here's your juice box, Oprah. *smiles*
Oprah: Thank you. Let's do this, people!
Me: ok! rolling in three...two...one...action!
The Scientist and the Agent
HumorOscar x female reader Thank you @RandomFanficWriter0 for inspiring me to do this! Also, this is my first x reader, so pls dont be too harsh! ill try to update every weekend and will take some story suggestions into consideration :)