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"Fuck your bitch and the clique you claim."

Charlotte Smith was not in the mood.

She absolutely did not want to be in the same room as Edward Cullen, she didn't want to be around any member of his family right now. However, her best friend was in a hospital bed and Charlotte had to visit her.

But now that she stood in the doorway of the room, Edward asleep on the chair, and Bella asleep on the bed, Charlotte decided she didn't actually need to visit.

It wasn't like she could actually do anything. She had no magical healing power.

So literally just as she turned to leave, a voice called out to her. It really was just like the movies.

"Charlotte do not leave." Is what she heard from a deep voice in the sky.

Charlotte froze her steps, her head tilting up to the roof, "God?" Immediately she started shitting herself. She'd talked so much shit about God and now he'd come to punish her.

Just want she needed.

"What?" Charlotte poked her head out of the door just slightly, where she spotted the owner of the voice.

Emmett Cullen.

With the rest of his clan behind him.

She really did wish it was God calling out to her right now, it would have made her life so much easier.

"Oh I just-" Charlotte's face started turning redder then her hair, which was not a very pretty sight. "-I was just on my way to the Chapel to pray for Bella's health."

"I didn't realise you were so religious." Rosalie questioned, and for a second it made Charlotte's blood boil. It reminded her of Victoria.

"Oh I'm so sorry. Should I wear a big cross around my neck and have sign on my back saying 'Catholic over here!"

The Cullens had never heard Charlotte speak the way she was. A little outburst. Obviously she had fire in her, wasn't it stereotypical that redheads did? But to lash out in front of Carlisle, who Charlotte had never met, was very unusual behaviour.

Jasper felt as though he could calm her down without using any manipulation, he should be able to do that, right? "It's just because you say Princess Diana is your God."

For a second, Charlotte shit herself thinking that April might be round the corner and hear Jasper's words. "Well yeah, but when you hear a voice boom at you like that," Charlotte did the whole father and the spirit thing, "You think the worst."

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