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I have a lot of regrets

about that

The Smiths didn't return to Forks until 2 weeks later. They didn't return with a tan or smiles on their faces, nor with any gifts. The only thing they brought home with them were miserable faces.

For the first time since she'd been at Forks high school, Charlotte avoided Jasper Hale.

Her eyes didn't seek him out in the canteen, she didn't smile when she passed him in the halls, nor did she wave when she spotted him in the car park. It was safe to say that Jasper disliked her new attitude towards him, even more so when she skipped all the lessons she had with him. Not only did that affect him, but also her grades.

Three days after her return, he found himself stood next to her locker. She knew he was there as she opened the door, and she knew he was waiting for her to say something. But she wouldn't, she wasn't sure what she should say.

"Charlotte," Jasper spoke as she opened the door in his face, "Are you okay?"

She froze her movements, her eye twitching slightly, "Why wouldn't I be?" Answering a question with a question, she hated when people did that.

Something wasn't quite right.

"Have you been avoiding me?"

She didn't answer until she closed her door and smiled at him, "No," She shook her head slightly, "My uncle died."

Jasper wasn't sure what to say. He had experienced so much death in his life that it was normal to him, but he had a sneaking feeling that Charlotte wasn't used to it. Or at least from her actions she wasn't. "Oh Charlotte, I'm so sorry." He desperately wanted to ask more questions, but decided against it.

"It's okay. He was a piece of shit." Without another word, Charlotte turned and almost floated down the hallway towards her next class. The aura around her now was no longer miserable or depressed, but happy - it was weird.

Emmett, who had been watching the exchange, walked over to his brother, "What's up with her?"

Jasper shrugged as he watched her disappear down the hallway, "I think she's on shrooms."

Rosalie, who had also been watching the conversation, stood on Jasper's other side, "No, she seems like more of an edibles person."

Instead of replying to Rosalie, Jasper decided to follow the girl down the hall. It didn't take him long to catch up to Charlotte, with a smile on her lips, she stopped to gaze up at him. "Are you following me?"


Normally Charlotte would have a smart comment to come back with, however she just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Okay."

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