Chapter 8: Humanity

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Alex was sitting on a couch in the Avengers compound. Everyone else was asleep, getting rest for the day that's about to come. She was drinking blood out of a mug while she watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." That movie used to be her comfort movie. But now, she can't feel comfort. She can't feel anything since her humanity was off. It's been off for 5 years.

She paused the movie quickly when she spotted an envelope on the table in front of her. She observed the envelope to see that it was addressed to "Alexandra Kaitlyn Phoenix." It was for her.

The handwriting looked familiar to her. The girl grabbed the envelope off the table and leaned back onto the couch. She sighed, hesitant to open the envelope. Finally, she pushed herself to do it and ripped open the envelope.

In the envelope was a note on white lined paper.

Dear Alex, if you got this, this means something happened to me. I decided to write this incase something happened if I were to get into a super cool battle. So, if you ever see this, thank Mr. Stark. I told him that if anything happens, that he gives this to you. I really got to learn to get to the point.

You made an impact on my life, in a good way. You accepted my weird side. I remember when we met, I was still playing with my action figures and you loved that. We played superheroes with them. Your superhero name was Sparkle Girl.

But when we were 12, you told me about your love for Harry Potter. You made me watch all of the movies with you at your house while Kimberly supervised. She would always buy the coolest snacks. She would even let us have ice cream for dinner.

Okay, I'm writing too much. My hand hurts now.

Anyways, I like you. I realized I liked you when we were 12. Flash asked you out with a box of chocolates. I was jealous. I was relieved when you said you rejected him. But I've always had a crush on you. That crush has grown over time. Holy crap. I just realized something. I don't just like you. I love you, Alex. Always have and always will.

- Love, Peter

P.S: Make sure Ned does not figure out I got him a Star Wars Lego set for his birthday.

Alex chuckled sadly at the last part. She didn't know that a single tear was streaming down her face. She took a moment and let her head fall down. She started to sob quietly to herself.

Her humanity turned back on. The feeling of grief and sadness came back. But that's not the only thing she felt. She felt hope. A hope on getting everyone back.

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