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Mark woke up feeling warm he had never felt like this before and craved the warmth. He tried to get up only to see the little rescue kitten was curled up sleeping on his stomach, he looked at it lovingly it was sooo small and mark just wanted to protect it. He shuddered thinking of how it was found, when jaemin told him that the kitten was drenched when they found it mark pitied the poor little thing that seemed to be mostly skin and bones.

"Wake up you mork " haechan screamed as he entered mark's. The little kitten on mark's stomach was startled awake and dug it's tiny but sharp claws into mark's stomach out of shock. Haechan's eyes went wide as mark tried to hold back his tears. The kitten dashed out the door and ran till it halted at the stairs.

Renjun was far too small to walk down the stairs in cat form while he stood there thinking of what to do jeno picked him up, renjun struggled but jeno was carful with the tiny kitten. He took it down the stairs to the kitchen where jaemin was making breakfast and put it on the table

Renjun could smell the bacon and saw jaemin place plates with bacon and eggs on the table just then mark and haechan came down jisung was already sitting on the table with chenle and they were both already eating.

"Here this is for you" jaemin said as he placed a little bowl of milk in front of renjun, the little kitten hissed at jaemin who was taken back by this sudden action and renjun turned on his paws and ran to jeno's plate and tried to eat the bacon.

When they tried to pull him away from the bacon which was far to big for him renjun meowed loudly so they backed off only chenle and haechan found the whole thing very funny as jeno was being bossed around by a tiny kitten.

Jaemin made jeno more breakfast and then mark cleared his throat trying to get everyone's attention. "So do you guys want to keep the kitten or give it to a shelter because we have to register it if we want to keep it" mark said looking around the room. "Hands up who wants to keep it" haechan said and raised his hand, jeno and chenle also raised their hands jaemin and jisung were a little hesitant as they looked towards mark. 3-3 mark thought about it, the kitten stared at him but he just didn't know because they might not be able to care for the cat.

"It's a tie so we'll give him to a shelter" mark said chenle and haechan voiced their disappointment but jeno kept quite as he cuddled the stiff little kitten. Unknown to them renjun could understand what they were saying he knew they were going to give him up, he expected nothing less from humans but he couldn't help but feel a little let down because he thought mark was different.

Mark took the kitten to the shelter as the rest were trying their best to stop haechan and chenle who kept crying. Mark held the little kitten as he walked into the shelter and went to the receptionist who was a cute girl who was flirting with mark.

Mark was really uncomfortable as he didn't like women but this girl didn't stop hitting on him. "Oh what a cute little kitten" she said as she tried to pet renjun but renjun scratched her and hissed. Mark had never seen the kitten act this violent. He couldn't help but feel like the kitten was trying to protect him. He smiled softly but was brought back to his senses when the girl said the kitten would have to be put down. Mark got mad and shouted at the girl saying that this was his kitten. The manager came and apologised and mark filled out the papers to adopt the kitten.

Mark went back home with the kitten hidden in the hood of his hoodie. Haechan was trying to console a crying chenle who was clutching the kitten's bed, he looked up when mark entered the house and not seeing the kitten with mark he started crying and saying how unfair it was as he recalled first finding the kitten he couldn't help but feel the need to protect the defenceless kitten, haechan too broke down and started quietly sobbing. Renjun could hear them crying from mark's hood so he decided to make a little meow sound.

Chenle stopped crying and renjun meowed again. Chenle smacked haechan who stopped crying and was going to smack chenle back when renjun meowed again they rushed to mark and took the kitten out of his hood. Chenle smiled so bright renjun thought he was going to go blind
renjun didn't scratch them because he heard their heart wrenching cries for him so he decided to be nice to them since they cared so much.

Jeno came down as jaemin was still trying to cheer him up but upon seeing the kitten he busted the biggest uwu and snatched the kitten. Renjun cutely put his tiny paws on jeno's face as a sorry for eating his bacon and hissing at him. All of them cooed and jaemin was a little sulky because the kitten seemed not to like him.

And boy was he right, renjun decided to make jisung and jaemin's life hell as they didn't like him. Mark told everyone what the kitten did to that pushy receptionist and haechan laughed claiming like mother like child suggesting he was the kitten's mother.

Jisung on the other hand sat beside jaemin who wasn't included in the conversation as well, they didn't really like the kitten but they didn't really hate it either. Jisung tried telling jaemin he was scared of the kitten and jaemin laughed and said "it's a little kitten what's the worst it could do" jisung believed jaemin and decided not to worry but they didn't know what was in store for them.

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