Chapter 1

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"If you don't take risks you can't create a future."

I wake up to the sound of my blaring alarm. I sigh and lay there for a moment staring at the ceiling. I tried for months to revoke this and he caught me everytime.. this isn't fair to me at all. Why can't I just be a normal kid?

My bedroom door is shoved open and I see my brother standing there glaring at me, but not an angry glare, it's just his normal glare. I sigh as we just stare at each other, me in bed, him dressed and ready for school.

"Kiyoko get your ass up. We have to leave soon." I sigh and sit up putting my head in my hands. God why am I even doing this? "Hey short stack." I look up at him with a blank look. "Don't fucking embarrass me, don't talk about not wanting to be a hero. They'll think my stupid ass sister is a villain." I look at him annoyed and shake my head.

"Whatever you say dickhead." I say rolling my eyes and get out of bed looking at him with a glare on my face. This is fucking annoying.

"Now hurry the fuck up." He says leaving and slightly slamming my door making me roll my eyes.

I sigh and grab my uniform out of my closet and put it on, I walk over to the mirror and tilt my head to the side. I look at the scar that rests on my face and neck, over time it has faded significantly, but it still is very visible. How annoying.

I grab my bag and leave my room holding my hand over my scar feeling an almost phantom pain coming from the wound. I sigh in frustration and pull my hand down just wishing today wasn't happening. This whole becoming a hero shit is annoying, why won't anyone listen to me?

"Ready short stack?" I nod my head and see him glance at my face and go speak but I stop him.

"Katsuki drop it. It's been eight years, you reminding me of it constantly is starting to piss me off. Yeah you blew up my face it is what is." I say annoyed making him look at me with pity which then turned into a glare.

We leave the house and take the somewhat short walk to the school not saying anything. I glance over to see my brother with a determined look on his face, he's already thinking about fighting. I roll my eyes and let my mind race about ways to avoid people. I am not a people person, I prefer to be by myself, or maybe with my brother.. on his good days.

Almost like we teleported, we're already walking through the main doors. I sigh at the size of the halls in general. I find myself unconsciously walking closer to my brother and he glances down at me and rolls his eyes rubbing my shoulder slightly. I flinch when he touches me and he looks at me hurt, I sigh and shake my head nodding to him saying it's okay. Very rarely is my brother kind to me, I'm so used to the anger and unwelcome pain.

We walk down the hall until we reach a door that must be at least twelve feet tall that says 1-A. I look at my brother and see the determined smirk on his face returned making me sigh. He looks at me and glares and I nod my head giving my own determined smirk, might as well just have fun, even if it's just a show.

When we enter the door we see only a few other students. I sigh and take a seat next to my brother and roll my eyes as he instantly puts his feet on the desk. But I can't say I didn't do that same thing. We are twins after all.

"Hey you two!" I look up to see a kid with glasses glaring at the both of us. "Take your feet off those desks now!" I look at my brother and he looks at me, we both can't help but to laugh. Despite our differences, you mess with one of us and you mess with the other. It's an almost unspoken rule, although we disagree on a lot of things, this is one thing we take pride in.

"huuh?" My twin says smirking.

"Someone's in a pissy mood. " I say smirking to myself.

"It's the first day and you two are already disrespecting the academy property you cretins." The once joking like atmosphere quickly turns very hostile. You don't insult the Bakugo twins, and you'll learn that apparently the hard way.

"You're kidding me right? What did your old school put a stick up your ass?"

"I uh.. let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Somei? Then you definitely have a stick up your ass. You probably think you're better than everyone huh? Wait till I get my hands on you." I say calmly with a glare.

"You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?" Honestly kid, no I'm not sure at all. But I might as well play along or my brother will kill me. Hopefully not literally.

Suddenly the door opens and the Somei kid is gone and walking up to greet the student. At first I don't see who it is, then I hear him. I look to my brother instantly annoyed making him grind his teeth in anger. I hear the stuck up praising him making me instantly get pissed. This is the one thing my brother and I agree on. Our hate for that fucking shrimp.

Then some bubbly chick comes in behind him and starts going on and on about how great he is. I look to my brother to see him not saying anything just glaring at the kid, I remember when we were at the principal office and he was congratulating us. But of course praised the teacher's pet the most, now that I think of it Katsuki came home a little later.. I wonder what he did to the kid, not that I coulda stopped him.

"If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now. Welcome to U.As hero course." I look by the door and see a man in a bright yellow sleeping bag and tilt my head to the side. What the fuck... you've gotta be shitting me.

"It took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not going to work. Time is precious, rational students would understand that. Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher." I can help but raise my eyebrows at his carefree attitude. Who the hell is this guy?

"Let's get to it, put on your gym uniforms and head outside."

I sigh quietly and grab my uniform and head to the locker room with all the other girls. I hear them all chatting like this is just some shopping trip and can't help but roll my eyes. I pick a locker and begin to strip down and suddenly everything goes quiet I turn around to see the girls staring at me in shock.

"The hell is your problem?" I say annoyed, then the pink girl steps up.

"You.. you're so fit.. and you're covered in scars.. How did you get like that?!" She says in awe making me roll my eyes slightly putting on my clothes. "Even your face.." Instantly I turn to her with a glare.

"You ever bring up the scar on my face again, I'll kill you. Not all of us had been gifted with a peaceful quirk. Some of us had to train to keep ourselves and others safe." I say slamming my locker shut and leaving the room.

As I'm walking outside I hear the other girls begin following, but none of them saying a word. I sigh quietly, I probably could have been nicer.. I quickly put my hair in a high ponytail and walk outside with the rest of the class. We all funnel in a thick line and look at our teacher.

"A quirk assessment test?!" Everyone yells out while I stay quiet. It makes sense, our teacher doesn't know our skills. I wish I felt like my skills were important.. I wish I had the motivation these kids do.

"But we're going to miss orientation!" The bubbly girl yells out making my twin scoff and me roll my eyes.

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes." I roll my eyes but nod my head none the less agreeing with my sensei. "U.A. is know for it's so called freestyle education. You all did the standard gym testing correct?" I shrug while everyone else nods their heads confused on where this is going. "Bakugo, how far could you throw in middle school?"

Instantly we pause.. we both point to ourselves, him with a blank face and me tilting my head to the side. Sensei looks at the both of us confused as well making me question his teaching abilities even more than I already was.

"Sensei.. we're both Bakugo..?" I say confused.

"THERE'S TWO OF THEM?!" I glare at the rest of the class making them shut their mouth.

"Well.. this just got complicated.."

Once again statinggggg I do not own my hero academia, it would be cool. But I don't own anything to do with it!

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