Chapter 13

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"Giving up is what kills people."

As soon as she yells start,  I create a water wall making everyone behind me start yelling. Ha, you thought this would be easy, I refuse to be eliminated. Everyone tries to rush through the gate and I smirk sliding through the legs of everyone, thank you for making me so small, then, I begin running.

But almost right away there is a path of ice freezing people in their path, I groan annoyed and use my water to basically make myself hover, I increase the temperature in order to make sure it is not frozen and push myself foreword.

"Mummy man are you ready for our live coverage and commentary?!"

"Not voluntarily.."

I chuckle slightly at sensei and continue pushing myself, I am not to far behind Todoroki when I begin to hear the class going crazy and following behind. I roll my eyes, Todoroki turns back in surprise when he sees how many people made it past, especially when he sees me so close, I quickly deactivate my water and just begin running normally.

I look ahead and see the robots from the entrance exam and activate my water whip. I see Todoroki making obstacles by causing the robots to crash all over the place, I keep running whipping the robot parts that come close to me and find myself growing more annoyed as he continues throwing objects in my way, but finally I pass through.

"Kiyoko Bakugo shows no remorse when dealing with those robots! She's right on Todorokis tail!!"

I smirk at my recognition and begin hearing multiple explosions coming not to far from behind me. I throw my head back in annoyance knowing it's my stupid brother. Of course he's going to throw a tantrum that I was acknowledged and not him. What a child.

I continue running and make it to the second course, pillars and tightropes over water. At least I'm pretty sure that's what's down there. I don't have time to analyze it. I rush behind Todorki running across the ropes praying I don't fall. Which shockingly I didn't.

I hear my brother getting closer to both of us and huff slightly annoyed. I wish he would just fuck off. I sprint next to Todoroki ignoring the burning in my legs from this nonstop running and just focus on winning. We approach the final course, a minefield, how troublesome. I stay close to half and half and eventually get in front of him.

"We have a new leader full of surprises!! It's Kiyoko Bakugo yet again!!"

I smirk and begin launching geysers out of my hands and propelling myself forward. "Your declaration of war, was to the wrong person!!" Then my brother launches in front of both of us causing multiple explosions behind us. I groan as I feel the heat hitting my back but continue forcing myself forward.

"Class A's Midoriya rides the wave in hot pursuit!!"

I groan loudly, wow I'm doing that a lot, stupid bastards. I quickly realize it's time to step my game up. I look up to see Izuku fly above us. "He's passed the three leaders!" He throws his giant piece of metal right on top of a mine causing a large explosions. I quickly cover my arms in water but feel the heat burn through my shirt. I look down to see blood dripping slightly down my stomach.

"Okay now I'm pissed." I say to myself.

I gather water in my hands and launch two geysers of water towards my brother and half and half making them stumble. I take that mishap to my advantage and charge past them. "Midoriya blows off the competition with no time to lose! Kiyoko didn't come to lose either as she launched her quirk at the two boys in front of her making it possible to pass them! Your class is something else Eraser Head! Just what are you teaching these kids?!"

"This isn't my doing, they've been spurring each other all on their own."

I continue to push myself, Dabi is watching, I cannot let my training down. I can't let him see me lose. I especially can't see let him see me lose to my brother! I refuse to let that happen! I activate my geysers and launch myself forward yet again.

"The one who made it back to the stadium first is... None other than Izuku Midoriya!! Followed by Kiyoko Bakugo!!"

I put my hands on my knees breathing heavily. That was a lot more than I thought it would be. I feel my dehydration setting in and quickly take one of my water pills I hid in my bra. I look around to see everyone cheering and smile softly. But that smile turns into a grin when I see Dabi still sitting at the top with a thumbs up.

"Again?! Dammit that little.." I look to see my brother clenching his arm and sigh as I gather cold water in my hands and walk up to him releasing it onto his arm. He may piss me off but I need to make sure he's okay. He smacked my hands away and I look up at him indifferent, of course. "Don't fucking touch me." He storms away and I look down at my hands to see red marks and scowl at his attitude.

"So it's over, let's check over the results!! In first we have Izuku Midoriya! Followed closely by Kiyoko Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo! The top forty two from this round will move on! But for those who placed lower don't worry, we've got another way for you to show your stuff!" I smirk at the fact that I placed second. Mainly that I beat my brother.

"Now the main section really begins! The press corps going to be jumping out of their seats so give it all you got! Now onto the second event.. Are you dying in suspense yet..? Up next is.. the cavalry battle!!"

I tilt my head slightly, a team based round? Is it so those morons in the stands know we can work with others? I don't like to work with others, who the hell am I supposed to pair with? I refuse to pair with my brother due to my pride. I won't pair with Todoroki either, I'm going against him. I want to eliminate him.

"Participants will on their own form teams of two to four members,  each and get into a horse and rider position. The rules are the same as an ordinary cavalry battle. Snag the headbands and get the most points. Your individual point values start at five, at the bottom. Our first place winner is worth... TEN MILLION POINTS!!!"

I look at Izuku and see him freaking out inside. I sigh, that's rough. Especially since it doesn't seem like he can control his quirk very well.. I kind of feel bad for the kid. It must be rough to be in his position.

"The higher ranked students are the ones to aim for, this survival game is a chance for a comeback. It's anyone's game!! Now the match will last fifteen minutes, the rider will wear a headband displaying the total number of points. But remember, if your horse formation is broken, your headband is taken. It's not over till it's over! You've got fifteen minutes to form a team! Starting... NOW!"

I sigh and begin debating the different people I could work with. I look around at all the different people and finally decide who I should ask. I walk over to them sighing I cannot believe I'm doing this I really hope I don't regret this.

"Hey... team up with me.."


Oh boy, it just keeps comin huh? Things are getting rough between the twins.

Again, I do not own MHA!

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