Sunshine~! Starlight~! Dewdrop~! (Many characters introduced!)

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After Moon saw you went to sleep, he got up, bought some Fizzy Faz, and watched over you. He found your phone, and started to watch funny videos. A few hours passed, and he woke you up. Looks like he was scared of something. ●☆~"Moony, what's wrong?"~☆● He pointed at the top of the playground. It was a person, but why would there be people here after hours? Both of you got on the top with them. It was a little boy. The lights shut on, and Sun was out. °☆》"Ho, ho, ho! Well, hello there, little one! What are you doing here late at night?"《☆° The kid looked scared. You walked over to him. ●☆~"Hey, kid. You okay?"~☆●

He grabbed a hold of your leg. ○▪︎"Hey, lady | sir | (or just) Y/N! (Author-chan's note: You have a name tag!) I'm Gregory! Can you help me get that card on the front desk? Freddy says I need it!"▪︎○ You grab Gregory's hand, and went over to the desk. He was looking with you, but accidentally bumped into the light switch. The lights didn't go completely dark, just...dim. °☆》"BZZT! BZZT! BZZT!"《☆° Sun was freaking out. You ran over to him, knelt down, and held his hand. ●☆~"Don't worry, you will be okay!"~☆● You tried to calm him, but he was still shocking. He turned into some type of Sun-Moon fusion! You backed away, telling Gregory to hide, just in case. ♡◇♧"Hello, dewdrop~"♧◇♡

Vanessa came in. She was scared, so she ran and hid. Vanessa yelled over to you. {○"Y/N?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!"○} You looked over to her. You were confused, too. He helped you up to your feet. ♡◇♧"What's wrong?~ Cat got your tongue?~"♧◇♡ He just stood there. He looked like he was getting a bit uncomfortable, so he just introduced himself. ♡◇♧"My name is Solar Eclipse, but you can call me either, dewdrop!~"♧◇♡ He winked at you. You decided you would introduce yourself, too, but you wanted to ask first, if he knew you. ●☆~"Do you know who I am?"~☆● He nodded. ♡◇♧"You're Y/N, my new helper. I guess they never introduced me, probably because the lights never went dim before."♧◇♡ Vanessa ran over to help you, and so did Gregory. Vanessa looked at the child, but he just put a finger to his mouth, and told her not to get him yet. Vanessa grumbled. Eclipse said, ♡◇♧"Dewdrop, do you know these people? They are quite rude for ruining my conversation with you!~"♧◇♡ You nodded. ●☆~"Yes, I know them. The kid is Gregory, and the blonde is Vanessa."~☆● ♡◇♧"Okay, well, it's nice to meet you both, but how about we talk over a can of Fizzy Faz? We can all get along that way!~♧◇♡ You all agreed, and everyone voted that YOU buy. You bought everybody a Fizzy Faz, and you all sat down to chat. Too bad you didn't know it would end up in disaster.
Continued in Bright Moon

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