Chapter 3

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Ah school... "I don't fuckin wanna be here." I groan sipping the cranberry juice Sian's mom bought for me. "Hehe it's only 4 years." Sian laughs and I flinch. 'F-four years' . We had just left class and we're heading to the dorm rooms. Unfortunately Sian and I were in different classes which were far away. She chose to go to a private vocational school in the city over which I couldn't help but agree to since we wouldn't be near auntie. Good thing we don't have to live with that crazy bitch. I think to myself while walking up the stairs.

The school was actually pretty high class it had 4 different buildings which were all kinda huge. There was a 5 floor high boys and girls dormitory which were connected by a hallway on the 2nd floor. I mean it makes sense cause so many kids are going here but still.

After reaching the 4th floor Sian and I  looked for our rooms. We found an eerie hallway which led to 4 doors. 2 were on one side and 2 were on the other. In the middle there was a large window. "This? Is our hallway?" I ask staring at the gloomy space. "Yeah apparently no one wanted to stay here so they gave it to us for free." Noona sighs. The Room and board here wasn't too much but it costed half of my monthly allowance, getting it for free meant more money for games plus no one even wanted to stay here. "A win-win!" I grinned. "What..." Sian stares at me in confusion but shrugs it off. "It's two people per room and they said only three rooms were going to be used so-" "Hey!" A voice calls out. "Are you guys in this hallway too?" We turn and see a girl with dark brown hair walking out of the dorm. "Hi i'm Hyunee! I didn't expect people to actually come here." She says pointing at the flickering lights. "Oh... Hello i'm Sian..." Noona says smiling. "Y/n." I say after swallowing the sip I just took. Hyunee invited us into her dorm and gave us the paper with the paper with the assigned dorms. "Y/n you're across the hall and Sian you get the room next door all to yourself." Hyunee says. "Luckyyy." Her dorm mate Seyu says. "So is the fourth room jus gonna be empty or..." I look up to see Hyunee and Seyu's faces turn blue. "Well we actually have the key to the 4th dorm but it's kinda... " Seyu starts. "Someone died last year and there's no lights in there." Hyunee finishes bluntly. "Ohu." Me and Sian both say. "Actually I don't want this key near me uh... you should hold onto it y/n!" Seyu throws the key at me and I catch it. "Huh?" What.

I wave at Sian who looked really excited about living alone. Must be nice... Anyways this Yuri girl. Apparently she was my dorm mate. I hope she's not annoying... I open the door which was left unlocked for some reason. "Helloo?" I say walking into the dark room. Where the hell's the switch is she not here? I trace the wall with my hands trying to find a switch. Found it. I switch it on and turn my head to see a figure with long hair in the front sitting while glaring at me with narrow eyes. "AAHK!" I scream jumping back hitting my head on the wall. Something fell down on my head making me bite my tongue and dropped into my hands. "AHK!" A flower pot. I look up to see a titling shelf above me. I put it back where it was and turn to look at the girl who was glowering at me. "Why you..." She whispered. "Why couldn't it be Sian..." She says quietly again. "Huh whad wash dat?" I say as blood dripped out of my mouth. My tongue hurts like hell. I smile at the girl. "I'm y/n." I say wiping the blood away with my sleeve. "Tch. Chae Yuri." She says a bit annoyed. "Chae... Yuri." I ponder "Sounds familiar." I say and look down to see that Yuri's eyes were wide open. Why is she making that face.

"Uhm anyways i'm going to read something..." I say walking over to the bed that didn't have anything on it. "Hey..." She says making me nervous. "What did you mean by that? Do you know me?" Uh not really I just said your name was familiar you know how many people probably have the same name. I just shrugged and wore my earbuds before opening the comic book Sian gave me. It had her name written in big letters on the first page. I tried to ignore Yuri who was still staring at me until I could feel someone's breathe on my neck. My nose stings at the scent of perfume. "Eun Sian?" She reads making my skin crawl. "Why do you have that?" She asks staring at me again with wide eyes. "Sian? You know her? She's my cousin we came here together..." I say surprised at the coincidence. "Cousin?" She tilts her head. After a long pause her eyes start shining brightly. "Ah of course! I just saw Sian around the campus so I was just wondering! Haha!" She beems brightly.

Why do I feel sick. I stare at her speechless. For some reason I didn't feel good when she spoke.

We decided to sleep early that night but I felt uncomfortable like something was stuck to my back. I didn't get any sleep that night.

The next day school ended early again we were supposed have short school days for the first two weeks to help us get adjusted to the schedule. today was supposed to be the tour around the school. I decided to skip it and said bye to Sian, Hyunee, and Seyu who decided to go together. I'm fucking tired why couldn't I sleep last night. I opened the door and walked in to see something I wish I hadn't. Standing there was the figure of a man. I stumbled on my feet and accidentally hit the light switch. Fuck. I turn it back on immediately.

I almost jumped at the fact that Yuri was standing directly in front of me. Her hair was long and she was wearing a dress. Who was that I just saw... "I thought you were going to the tour." She says. That was definitely a man. I narrow my eyes. Let's not say anything. "Yuri was that your boyfrien-" I see her face twist into disgust. "So you saw?" Dammit I went and said it. "I won't tell anyone. Uhm... bye?" I say shutting the door to leave.

3rd person POV

What. Yuri stands in the doorway watching y/n walk out after saying something absurd. No. She knows she knows she knows. She reaches her hand out towards y/n's arm. "Oh also..." Y/n pauses taking a moment to think. I don't really wanna be around her... She thinks to herself remembering how she couldn't get rid of the feeling of someone watching her last night. "I'm just gonna move to the other dorm." She opens the door again to see Yuri's outstretched hand with a confused expression. Uh. She walks past Yuri and grabs her backpack. I'm doing this on impulse, but something's not right. She thinks to herself secretly looking around seeing the closet being the only place to hide. He's probably in there. She sighs letting go of all doubt. "Cya tomorrow." Y/n walks out past Yuri who just stayed still.

"Ugh I didn't really want to come here but whatever." Y/n approaches the door closest to the window on the left side of the hallway. It was also the darkest area there. She takes out the key she had kept and unlocks the door. If I die I die... She thinks opening the door to see an organized room with a single bed in the middle. Oh. It was cleaner than she thought. Y/n expected there to be bloody floors but it was actually spotless. She reached to turn the light switch on. The lights brightened up the whole room. Two seconds later they started to flicker and make buzzing sounds. She stares at the scene. "AAAAAAH!" She shouts closing the switch and jumping onto the person who was standing behind her. Wait behind? "What a late reaction." Yuri says looking down at Y/n who was hanging off her neck. Get the hell off me. "You left this." She says pushing y/n off and handing her the book she left. Yuri gives y/n a long annoyed look and walks away. She's kinda weird... Y/n thinks to herself before walking in.

Y/n unpacks her backpack. Good thing I didn't do it yesterday. After finishing up she grabs her book and nightlight then sits on the bed. I should get a battery light. She thinks to herself not wanting to use the light switch ever again. I wonder when Sians going to get back... Y/n opens the book to see a torn out page. "Huh..." It was the page with Sians name written on it. "Did Yuri do this?" She shakes the book hoping it would fix itself. I must've torn it while I was putting it away. She reads a few chapters before putting it away. For some reason she was still bothered by Yuri. I keep getting an odd vibe from her... does she know Sian? At this point she probably wasn't going to get any sleep. Whatever i'll just ignore her.

[Chapter three fin]

Behind a line (Secret Alliance Fanfic) Yul&Reader [Enemies]Where stories live. Discover now