Chapter 10

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"So what are you in here for?" The white haired boy asks me. "Uh... I dunno?" I say and he pulls the cigarette out of his mouth. He stands up and walks to the desk, reaching his hand out to touch a single page sitting at the top. He glances down to read it. "You've been skipping school?"

"Yup!!" I say putting an arm up in pride.
"Why?" He puts a finger on his cheek to think. I put my arm down and open my mouth to say I was sick.

"Do you want to experience real thrill?" He asks me, his face suddenly twisting into a grin. " So basically I was si-Wat?" My face shifts to confusion as I watched the make his way towards me. "As punishment for skipping school you have to work with me on a Saturday." He says handing a paper to me. I read the paper contradicting his words. "It says night sch-" He snatches it and tears it at a high speed I've never seen before and crumbles it in his fist which was clenched so tightly you could see the veins. Bitch wtf. "You better be here by 9am." He says letting the ashes fall into the empty trash can. What does he mean "WORK"? I don't fucking work here. I stare at the powder with wide eyes. This guy was hella strong. "Uhm I think I prefer night school." I object raising my hand again. "This is your sentence now." He firmly says narrowing his eyes at me. "Yessirrrrr...." I obey and slowly slide towards the door.

"So how did it go?" Hyunee leans on my table with a nervous look on her face. "I have to help the compressor on Saturday." I take a sip of my cranberry juice. "You mean Co-president..?" She corrects me and I point at her in realization. "Hahhh... Anyways WHATBTHE hell is up with her this time." Hyunee glares at Yuri and Sian who were sitting towards the hallway window again, two chairs away from me and Hyunee. My face suddenly crumbles at the sight I was trying to avoid all day. I stayed patient as long as I could but I couldn't take it anymore. A screeching sound comes from the chair I stand from aggressively. Everyone turns to look at me confused by the sudden interruption. I walk towards Yul rubbing his disgusting face into Sian's side. I suddenly grab him by the back of the dress "Yuri" was wearing. "Eek!!" He lets out a high pitched scream as his body is dragged towards me. I wrap an arm around his neck bringing him close to my body and as far away from Sian as I could drag him. "This ends today." I declare and walk out of the classroom while dragging Yul's stunned self with me. I spot Hyunee pump her fist up silently and grin at me. 'You owe me' I say with my eyes. 'You got it!' She grins even wider as she steals Yul's previous spot next to Sian.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??" Yul grabs my arms harshly yelling into my face. He was totally pissed off. "From now on we're rivals." I declare. "Incase it wasn't clear enough after these past few days." He squints his eyes at me. "You dragged me out for something this absurd?? If you have something silly to say just text it to me." He clenches his teeth. In other words 'text me because I'm going to ignore it anyways' pffft. I burst out laughing. "It's fun getting in your way." I grin annoyingly. He grabs my wrist and yanks it towards him so that I could look at his face. "Don't cross the line y/n." He says in a low voice. My eyes blanked out after seeing his. They were dead, pupil's widened without a single reflection, it was like staring into a deep abyss. I quickly snap out of the trance and stare at him back. I won't let you have what you want. He lets go of me. "You won't have very long anyways." He says as the corners of his lips turn upwards. "You say I'm sloppy but you made a really big mistake you know." Yul walks back towards the classroom door leaving me to think about his words. A mistake? I make a lot of those what is he talking about lol? I follow after him and force him into Hyunee's previous seat before he could drag her off his chair. I really hate this guy.

School was done for the day and yet another weekend was about to begin. "Except I won't get to enjoy it because I have to come back on Saturday." I groan walking with Sian and her friends. "Cheer up y/n at least you're not dying in nightschool!" Seyu pats my back in encouragement. "You're only sulking because you found out a CD for that game you play is going to be sold out..." Hyunee sighs. I glare at her and she turns her head to look away. "Don't worry y/n I'll be sure to order it." Sian says sweetly. "NOONAA!!!" I jump at her hugging her tightly. "You're the only one I haaave!" I exclaim as Seyu and Hyunee roll their eyes. "But go to sleep early today because who knows what kind of work you have to do." Hyunee demands and snatches my console and gives it to Sian. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I shout at Hyunee grabbing her by her hair. "Y/n she's right... and I can come wi-" "I'll sleep early." I say interrupting her before she could offer to come with me. Noona's too nice no wonder she keeps attracting fools like Yul. I clench my fist in front of the door to Yul's room. Sian deserves better than that trash.


Chae Yuri

Hola ugly!
Read 7:28 pm

I'm going to tell on you. >:)

Chae Yuri
What the hell do you want?

Y/n sent an image

Chae Yuri
Left on read 7:45pm

You texted that +_+
Left on read 7:45pm


So annoying. He can't even entertain what good is he even for Sian. Just give up bro. I turn on my side putting my phone away before falling asleep not caring how early it was.

"Fuck!" I say out loud seeing the time was 8am. It's so early the whole school was probably asleep right now. I change into a pair of joggers and wear a purple jacket over my tank top before wearing my shoes. I text "Bad morning." To Yul before leaving. Annoying him was fun.

I walk to the VIP dormitory from the outside pathway and reach the large glass windows that showed the front office section inside the school. Walking in I took a right and headed towards the set of doors that were black. It felt further than before. I reach the black tinted window of the office door and knock on it.

There was no answer. Should I just go home?

[Chapter ten fin]

Behind a line (Secret Alliance Fanfic) Yul&Reader [Enemies]Where stories live. Discover now