Grace Beauty

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Grace Beauty

Grace, honey, let me just start with the utter the ironicism of your name. Grace Beauty? I just don't think it fits you.

As you all well know, Grace isn't the most popular girl at our school. Sorry to break it to you Grace, but the repetitive french braid and the grandma glasses... It's just not workin' for you. Not to mention the braces with the neon bands. The baggy clothes and the tight clothes and the are-those-really clothes.

All right, I'll stop there.

I know what you're all thinking. What are you talking about? You are no more popular! Well, my fellow classmates, I would have been. And you all know that.

Anyway, moving on to the point.

As you all know, Grace has a H-O-T new BF that just happens to live in the Florida Keys. We've all heard the story. Grace goes there every summer with her family, and one day on the beach your guy, Grace, was twenty-five cents short of a lemonade, and you had only twenty-five cents to spare after you bought a coke, huh Grace?. It was a hot, steamy summer day. The beach was crowded and the ocean was packed with people jumping over waves and splashing the others in the water.

You offered him the quarter, and he took it thankfully. The guy just kept talking and talking. Thanking and thanking. For a stupid quarter! Anyway, he was a real jabber mouth, that boy, but he was sweet. Really sweet. You don't know how it happened, but somehow you ended up sitting at a picnic table with this boy. Just talking.

He complimented your new bikini, the one that you had bought just a week before, specfically for the trip. You blushed when he noticed it, and looked down at the sand to see your toes dissapearing in it.

You know you look amazing in that bikini, that's why you bought it, so you were cool but confidedent while talking to him.

You learn that he lives and goes to school in The Keys, has divorced parents, is 15, and doesn't have a girlfriend. He babbles on, but that's all you really care about.

Wanting to make a move before your parents could come looking for you, because how long can buying a coke really take, you flick your hair back dramatically and look up at him through your eyelashes. All of a sudden he says, "Wow. Your really pretty."

Feeling a rush of adrenaline, you softly rest your hand on his face and peck him on the lips. As you pull back, he puts his gentle hands on your waste and pulls you towards him. You can smell the lemonade on his breath as he leans in closer, and this time, he kisses you.

Sooo romantic, huh? Yeah it was.How would I know... because I was there.

Sadly, people, this story was not Grace's story. It was mine.

Need me to clear it up for you? Gladly.

I went to The Keys with my family and a bunch of family friends last summer, and of course, our first day there, we all rushed to the beach.

As we picked out a spot not too close to the ocean, yet not too far away, I saw Grace. You were sitting with your parents, Grace, reading some book about a thousand pages long when I left to get something to drink.

From then on, you all know the rest of the story, however, you don't know how this all ends.

After Alex, that was his name, pulled back from our second kiss, I caught a glimpse of someone in a bright yellow bathing suit standing behind him. Curious, I glanced over his shoulder, and who did I see? Grace. Starring straight at me and Alex.

You had this look on your face, Grace, and I knew exactly what it was. Jealousy.

You probably thought we were in the same boat, right? We were both outcasts at school, but there, in The Keys, no one knew us. And I loved that.

I loved that look on your face. For some reason I loved that there was jealousy in your eyes when you looked at Alex and I. So, making a show out of it, I grabbed a pen out of my favorite boho styled bag, and grabbed a pen, and without a word I wrote my phone number on Alex's hand.

I looked up at him and smiled. I told him that I was in The Keys for another two weeks, and that I would love to hang out with him again. He agreed, and after I told him that I had to go, he promised to text me the next day.

Pretending that I didn't see you, I strutted down the side walk right passed you, Grace, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw your jaw hanging open at me like I was a one man One Direction.

Now most of you would be mad enough, if you were in my situation, that Grace stole your summer fling story, also knowing that she most have been following you and your guy to get all of the juicy details.

And I have to admit, it was a genious plan, Grace. You gained popularity and you didn't have to think a story up. You just stole mine. You didn't have to worry about me bashing your story and telling everyone the truth, because after all, who would belive me?

But wait! There's more...

You know how I said he promised to text me the next day... well he did.

I woke up at 12:01 in the morning to my phone going off. I moaned, and grabbed my phone hesitantly. I had received a text from an unknown number. The text read:

Good morning, beautiful. :)

I responded almost immdiantly.

Alex? Good morining to you too. ;)

About five seconds later, I got another text.

The one and only! Did I wake you up?

I thought about lying, but decided against it.

Of course you did! It's12:04 in the morning! When I said text me tomorrow, I didn't mean text me tomorrow at 12 in the morning.

After hitting send , I regretted it. That sounded a little rude, didn't it?

I'm sorry, I just couldn't wait another minute to text you. Wanna meet up? ^_^

I blushed. Thank god he couldn't see me then. I told you he was sweet, didn't I?

We did meet up. Me in my cotton short-short pajama bottoms and sweatshirt, and him in flannel even though it was July.

We sat at Stewart's, eating ice cream in a booth until 3 AM. I know it sounds awkward, but we just talked, and it really wasn't. Awkward, I mean. It was amazing. Alex is such a nice person, and for once, I actually listened to what he had to say.

Then towards the end, I could have sworn someone was watching us, I didn't see anyone at that point, but I could feel it.

Then, I saw you, Grace. Sitting at the booth behind us, or behind me at least. You were just sitting there, doing nothing. After that quick glance over my shoulder, anger consumed me. I mumbled something to Alex that even I didn't understand, and stormed out of Stewart's, leaving Alex alone.

I rushed to my bike and peddled all the way home, my phine beeping occationally, probably all texts from Alex.

Youu are seriously creepy, Grace. Get. A. Life.

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