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A/N: kind of forgot damien had dpd....
so yeah, let's just forget about that :)

The sickening sound of bones breaking filled my ears as I retracted my hand from Laurie's face

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The sickening sound of bones breaking filled my ears as I retracted my hand from Laurie's face. She cried out in pain, clutching her nose in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.

I kept my promise.

I did break her nose after all.

"You fucking bitch!" She yelled at me as a smirk plastered itself on my face.

"Wrong move, sweetheart." I said while kneeing her in the stomach. Laurie bend down, stumbling backwards as I landed another punch in her face.

My knuckles were stained red, it was a mix of my blood and hers. Laurie's face was barely recognizable when I was done with it.

Especially because of the bullet hole in the middle of her forehead.


"Clean this up." I told Bear and Iron, friends of mine from back when I was working undercover. I simply shot them a urgent text and they showed up.

"You got it, lass." Iron's deep Scottish accent pushed through as I nodded. Turning around, I made my way back inside the fight club, whipping the blood on a white handkerchief.

She shouldn't have called me a whore, or touched Damien without his permission.

Speaking of Damien, I get that he was jealous of Mac but what he did was immature and irresponsible. Mac isn't just some scary guy, he's dangerous.

His rap sheet is long and he's been in prison more times then I've changed my hair colour - which is a lot.

I mean, this guy gives any mobster a run for their money. Can't believe I slept with him.

No regrets, though.

Shut up.

"Is it taken care of?" Dagger asked when I finally reached them. I didn't even dare to look towards Damien, knowing it would break my heart if I saw fear in his eyes.

"Yes." I simply answered.

"They're going for round 8." Lilith stated, putting at term our conversation.

I took my place next to Damien, not bothering to grab his hand because of the blood on mine. That was before he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

"Did Wolf get a few shots?"

"Are you kidding? Drax is good but he's better." The brunette said as I nodded in agreement.

As the fight kept going on, my eyes barely focused on their movements. My mind kept going back to the situation with the Irish.

This is more then I signed up for.

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