Chapter 2

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I stood in the bathroom straightening my hair. This is the first time in years I've straighten my hair and since Jimin was taking me out I decided to switch it up.

Straightening the last section of hair and combing it out Jimin walks into the bathroom. "Come on babe I don't want us to be late." He walked behind me hands holding my waist he kissed my cheek.

I checked myself out 1 more time before turning the light off and heading downstairs.

Grabbing my coat Jimin reaches for my hand to hold leading me out the door.


This is by far one of our worst dates and I'm ready to go home he's paying attention to his phone more than to me. "So babe I-" cut off by the ringing of Jimin's phone I sigh. "Hold one "Oh, sorry babe work calling . "Okay, I'll be right here," I reply, trying to mask my disappointment as Jimin steps away to take the call.

Sighing and putting my head down feeling dejected I pull out my phone when I feel someone tap my shoulder I look up to see the really cute stranger from last week and our eyes meet, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

"Hey stranger I thought that was you." He said with the smile again. We must stay focused Lei get it together. "Yes that's me lol." I said laughing.

"Whachu doing here alone... uhh what's your name-?""Sorry, I didn't catch your name last time," he said with a charming grin.

"Im not here alone I'm with my boyfriends who is on his phone again and my name is Leilani but you can call me Lei what are you doing here... uhh-"

"Oh my name is Hoseok and I'm here waiting for my sister." He said looking around.

"Ahh family business I get it."


Jimin walks back into the restaurant making his way back to the table when he sees some guy sitting  in his seat talking to Lei there sitting there laughing that instantly makes him jealous. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep his emotions in check as he walks over, feigning a smile.

He clenched his fist and walks up to them. They don't notice him standing there so he clears his throat Lei looks up laughing but as soon as she sees it's Jimin her face instantly changes.

"Uh Hoseok this is Jimin my boyfriend Jimin this is my friend Hoseok." She muttered Hoseok cleared his throat and got up. "Wassup Jimin."

Jimin just looked at Hoseok and didn't say anything Hoseok got the hint. "Well imma head out I think see my sister I'll text you about that thing Lei bye." He got up and walked away. "Okay, see you later, Hoseok," Lei called after him, then turned to Jimin with a worried look.

"Who the fuck is that Leilani and what thing is he talking about." Lei sighed. "He's a friend I recently met calm down and that thing that your talking about is he has friend whose an artist he said he would give me his info because I need a new artist for my gallery that's all I think it's best we go home now I'm tired anyways. Jimin just nodded, still trying to process everything.

With that she got up and headed to the car.


The familiar silence of the car ride felt heavy as Lei focused on the road ahead, her mind preoccupied with the tension she felt from both Jimin .

her phone pinged and she glanced at it quickly, hoping for a distraction.

Hey I talked to my boy and gave him yo number he said he'll call you soon


Omg your a life saver  I've been needing a new artist for the longest.

No problem ma I'll hit you later I got some stuff to do

Again thanks  I really appreciate it .

The rest of the drive home passed in silence, and Lei couldn't shake the tension in the air.


Here's a filler to just get the story started again.

Hope you enjoy<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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