| Chapter 3: So, It Begins |

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The next day, true to Knuckles' word the Knights announced the curfew, that took effect. From dusk till dawn no one was allowed to leave their homes, not only that but more terrible news hit the village. More girls went missing the night before, but they would not reveal the names of the girls.

Days passed and more and more girls disappeared, the villagers were getting scared. They started closing shops and some even left the village, but Clara was doing her best trying to have some sense of normalcy until her father returns. Clara now was sitting by the fountain all alone, reading her book of 'Little Women' as she giggles at a certain part. She turns the page to read the next part when a deep voice spoke.

"I see that you like reading."

She turns to see a dark cloaked figure sitting next to her. She couldn't see the person was because of the hood completely covering their face except their muzzle.

"Oh! Yes! It's my favorite." Clara said with a smile, showing the cover of the book.

"May I ask what you're reading about?" the stranger asked.

"Little Women. It's really good. It encourages girls like me to be strong women. My favorite quote of this book: 'I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.' It means that you can handle whatever life throws at you as long as you try." Clara explained, smiling in admiration.

The mysterious figure perked up in interest.

"Interesting. I've never heard of that. I only read histories, physiology, and legends, but not something like this."

The stranger checks off the list.

"It's a realistic fiction I'm reading. It doesn't have to be a real life stories. You just have to put your mind to it and let your creativity guide you what you dream of doing." Clara exclaimed.

The figure brings out a small smile upon their face.

"I'll take your word for it. Can you tell me about this 'Little Women' you speak so highly of?" they asked as Clara's eyes widened in surprise and smiled.

"Sure! I don't mind."

She began to show them the book. As she tells them some things that made them more interested in reading. The more the two talked, the more this figure wanted her badly. Seeing this conversation they're having together, brings out a good thing as the figure have planned. They glance down to her chest to see her wearing the ruby necklace, making him smirk.

"You will be mine..."

"By the way, I never got your name. My name is Clara. Clara the Hedgehog." Clara introduced.

The figure just stared at her before turning away.

"I'm afraid I can't reveal that just yet. You'll find out soon though." the stranger smirked, making the hedgehog smile.

"You sure are mysterious, aren't you?"

The figure chuckled to themselves.

"You have no idea..."


After this, Clara kept on bumping into the same man for three days straight, this was too much to be a coincidence. Yet, it never crossed Clara's mind, so they would always meet by the same fountain and talk about things other than besides books, like their favorite type of flowers, the sound of bells, and the beauty of a sunset. During these visits, Clara couldn't but feel smitten with the stranger. Never, in her life had a man held any interests in her besides her beauty.

This mysterious gentleman was kind and well read. Many of the men in her village wasn't so keen on studying more than to a show of brute strength. Yet, that didn't change the fact, something dark was approaching her peaceful little village. The disappearances were growing by the day, and it was affecting all the other villages near Green Hill. There were even more rumors that creatures have been feasting upon barn animals in the dead of night. Clara thought it was a rumor to scare children away from the field animals.

Still dark clouds are brewing, and the very essence of life is in danger, it wasn't until the third night where destiny will play its whimsical game.

Dusk was approaching according to the curfew that the knights' placed Clara was closing the door behind her and begins her journey home after working at the pub. Clara couldn't stop thinking about that mysterious man as she can't help but be more curious of him.

What's is his name?

Why does he choose to live in such secretly?

But like many stories, curiosity killed the cat. Clara felt a chill down her spine, spinning her head around to see if anyone was following her. Yet there was nothing, odd...

It shouldn't be cold night has barely fallen, looking up to the sky she saw the warm colors of the sun that hit to clouds fade into a dark blue hue. With haste, young Clara runs back to comforts of her home. The sun has finally set, and the moon began to rise into the ink black sky. A sudden fog appeared out of nowhere and quickly began to cover the entire village.

Feeling a sense of danger lurking around, she tried running faster to home, but the fog was so thick she couldn't even see her own hand in front of her face. Fear arose within her, as her own heart began to quicken. All those rumors, those stories, came flooding into her head all at once. Will she be the next victim? Will she never see her father and brother again?

Suddenly, in the thick mist a faint whisper called out.


Clara turned around only to see nothing. For some strange reason, Clara felt a strange sense of familiarity of the voice. This woman's voice...it was like a lullaby long forgotten.

"Clara... my baby girl..."

There it goes again, but this time louder. Her eyes widened in recognition.


She could've sworn she heard the voice of her deceased mother, who died of the Black Plague when she was a child.

"Come, Clara..."

Throw away, she followed the voice of her dead mother as she kept calling out for her daughter.

"Mother! Mother? Where are you?"

She never stopped running, not knowing how far she is from her village. Until she saw a large gate. Clara stopped and looked through the gate is a biggest building she'd ever seen in her life.

She looks to her side and jumps in fright at the sight of the two statues of the gargoyles on each side of the gate

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She looks to her side and jumps in fright at the sight of the two statues of the gargoyles on each side of the gate. Clara places a hand on her chest to calm herself before looking back at the Castle. Her eyes widen at the fact that this is the Lord's Castle!

"We've been expecting you, Ms. Hedgehog."

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