Chapter 1, It's Just a Burning Memory

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"No, it's not."

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID CHILD!! I'm changing the goddamn channel"

"But- It's my favorite show..."


"... I'm going to my room then"

"Take your sister with you"

"Ugh, fine"

"Good boy"

"I hope you choke on that doughnut, fat man..." The child mumbled under it's breath as it walked

"Lola, get out."

"But Daddy said-"


"I'm telling Daddy!"

"GOOD!" The child yelled, making it's younger sister cry


"Blood-stained roses,
Even better than cockroaches"


It couldn't stand her at all, she was too... annoying, plus it loved making her cry, or anything to piss-off it's father. It hated that- that- THING that called himself it's father. It kept writing in it's book, sometimes doodling, it shut it's book and packed it's bag, meant to be stored with books, with clothing, food, water, books, pencil sharpeners, eraser, and pencils, before it left, it grabbed it's communication device and typed out, "dekcolnu wodniw ruoy evael ,revo gnimoc m'I" into it, and sent it to someone saved as "bestieboo <3", they replied with "enod ,yako", and with that the child swung it's body over the window sill, and climbed down the rope ladder it had made a few years back.

It just ran, it ran until it's legs were sore and more, eventually making it's way to the window of the person it texted, it climbed into the window on the second floor, "hey..." it said, completely out of breath from climbing. "Hey..." The person replied, "old man giving you trouble again?" "Yeah, I've been think of asking your parents if I could live with you guys over the summer," it explained, "the old man wouldn't care if I did" "that's good, and not good at the same time. Anyways, I'll let my parents know you're here, get us more blankets and pillows, and we can sleep" "alright, sounds good" the person ran out of room to go get blankets and pillows, and tell their parents that the child is in their room.
"Hey! I got the stuff!" They called out, "now c'mon, let's set up our nest and sleep" and they did just that, they set up a nest on the person's bed, and went to sleep, cradling each other, but they were, and always have been friends.


Every now and then, I think of you,
I lied about that, I always do,
You are the one thing I think about most,
When I am beside you, I never feel like a ghost,


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