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Where the fuck is this classroom?!

The first day of college feels the same as the first day of high school. You look like a lost little puppy, clinging to all your books while all the other experienced students roll their eyes and whirl around you.

At least I chose a smaller college...

The nursing program here looked a hundred times better than the State University. Them giving me a full ride scholarship here also helped me in my decision.

I spent my whole high school career working towards this moment and I already feel like I'm falling on my ass. I had no social life. Attended to absolutely no parties. I literally sacrificed my entire teenage experience for this.

Okay, there's room 203... But where the hell is room 204?!?

I don't even have any friends attending here with me. They all chose to go to the State University. So I'm stuck here alone looking like an ass.

On top of all that, I had to take a year off when I graduated to work and save some money so I could afford to live in the dorms. I'm already a year behind most people my age.

I finally find my classroom after what feels like an hour of aimless wondering around the building. I walk in and almost every single seat is full by then. About forty-eight pairs of eyes land on me as I uncomfortably look for an empty seat.

This sucks....

I sit my awkward ass in the back hoping the torture is over.

-And your name is?- I get asked.

I look up to notice that the older, grey haired lady standing at the front of the classroom is talking to me.

-Harry Styles.- I croak out.

-Well, please, be on time from now on,
Mr. Styles...- She scolds me checking her attendance sheet.

Kill me, now.

I beg, Earth. Eat me now and spit me somewhere... I'd rather be anywhere else but here at this very moment.

The lecture begins and I'm lost almost immediately. Every subject I ever took in high school came to me naturally. I never had a problem with Mathematics or English language arts. Science wasn't my strong point, but I wasn't terrible at it. I managed to graduate with a 4.0 so I guess I assumed this would be easy as well.

Boy was I wrong...

Anatomy and Physiology can suck my dick.

Mrs. Hall stands up there uttering nonsense about ATP and the difference between isometric and isotonic contractions of muscles as I scribble words and weird shapes onto my notebook.

I barely have time to retain any information before we move onto the next body system. So I just give up.

How the hell am I going to keep and A average in this fucking class!?

Maintaining high grades is a stipulation to keeping my scholarship. If I don't have it, I don't go to school. There is no college fund from Daddy nor Mummy waiting for me.

By the time the class is finished, we covered three body systems and I feel like my frontal lobe is about to explode.

Ohh look, you retained something... Jeez.

Feeling defeated, I gather all my things into my bag. Everyone else filters through the door before I even bother in getting up from my seat.

I grab my backpack and make my way to the front. Grasping the handle. I stop when a blue paper sheet taped above the light switch catches my attention.

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