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Although the class was going on, the usually concentrated and focused Eniz Rutherfurd was in a daze. His right hand which had the pen was slowly doodling rubbish on his books as he stares at it. But if someone looked closely at his honey brown eyes, they could clearly see the lack of spark in his eyes, meaning how his mind was currently cooking up a storm of thoughts for the prince to stress on.

And the person he was thinking about?

Allen Coldwell.

If someone asked him what he thought of Allen, Eniz of the past would have answered, "He is the young master of Coldwell family. He has a really bad attitude and would always bully those below him for fun. He also loves Bella Schneider, but he stalks her all the time. It almost seems that he has no idea what privacy is. He also doesn't know how much Bella hates it. I had given so many warnings to him, but he never listens."

But if anyone asked the same question now, Eniz would have no words to form accurate sentences to explain his thoughts on the red-haired noble. He thought Allen was an arrogant boy who only cares about himself. But after seeing how the redhead ran into the battle between them and the demons at school and yelled at them on how to destroy the vile creatures, his belief was shaken.

During the battle, Eniz was under the stress and pressure of destroying the demons and saving the school, after all he is a prince and his citizens' safety is his first priority. That's when he hears Allen running into the scene yelling at them on how to kill the demons and then, one demon suddenly says the red-haired boy name. And the next thing the white-haired boy had on his overworked brain was, 'Is Allen working with the demons?'

Now thinking back, Eniz wanted to smack his head on the table in front of him. But he controls himself, since he was in class and he had more pressing matters than getting scolded by his teacher.

'Did I really hate him that much to actually think that?' He asks himself. His mind then, surfaces many memories of his conversations with the concerned person. After doing do, Eniz cringes, 'I guess I did...' He frowns when he remembers how Allen yelled at them when they cornered and accused him some days ago. Eniz sighs slightly, which no one notices thankfully.

'What he said is true. I cannot believe my hatred clouded my logical thinking.' Eniz thinks and unconsciously takes a look behind him. And there they are: Allen, Azazel, Ryan and Felix, two benches behind him. Both Allen and Azruelle were clearly not paying attention in class; Felix is trying to not fall asleep and Ryan was focused on his classwork. Eniz sweat drops when Allen and Azazel flinches with a shocked look as Felix's head suddenly falls from his left hand which was trying to keep his head up. Eniz smiles softly, 'I guess they don't really care about classes.' That when he realizes that he himself was not paying attention in the class and turns back to the front, his cheeks on fire.

Eniz tries to listen in class. But his mind was a mess with everything that was happening. 'Now, we are working together. But with all the earlier tension and anger between us, our team will fall apart. I know I have agreed to work with them, but that does not mean Larence and Allen had forgiven each other.' Larence had always been a short-tempered male who does do things without thinking. Eniz knew that but never out rightly said anything. After all, they need someone strong and active. And the dark-haired boy's behavior never made things hard for them.

But now, Eniz could see from the perspective of an outsider, how Larence had very bad habits. He was impulsive in all situations, very harsh and short sighted and lets his anger take over most of the time. As Eniz thought more and more, he could not help but feel angry and disappointed at his past self.

'Sigh, even I was short sighted.'

The sudden relieving sound of the bell shakes Eniz awake from his thoughts and sees the teacher walking out of the class and the students wishing her a sloppy and inharmonious 'Thank you.' Then they are start to pack up their things and leave the classroom. The white-haired boy looks back at the giant clock, to see it was 4.30 pm and the classes for today had ended.

Eniz starts to get ready too. But when he looks down on his open notebook before him, he frowns in embarrassment and shock. Since he was in his own dreamland earlier, he had been writing rubbish on it. And on his notebook, were demons with humans fighting it. What's more embarrassing is how the humans yelled "Your evil deeds end now, you vile creature!" and the demon going, "Bwahahaha!! As if a puny human like you can defeat me, the demon lord!" He immediately closes the notebook, hoping no one noticed it and harshly puts his school materials into his bag.

Eniz is not really the warrior type of a prince. He is rather passive and laid back. Of course, he can fight, but his personality is not that of a confident warrior. Rather, he excels in academics and non-aggressive activities. He is also a really good reader, and his favorites are usually of the mystery and adventure genres. And his guilty pleasure is that plot where heroes come together and defeat demon lords with the power of friendship. He had been in love with this plotline since he was a kid. And as any normal kid, he wanted to find his own heroic friends and defeat all evil.

But Eniz was no normal kid. He is the youngest prince of his kingdom; who is suppose to be a person of assistance to his people and be wiser and more intelligent in politics, to become worthy of his royal blood.

He had no time to play the role of a hero who defeats demons.

He was not supposed to be a warrior who is active at war. That job is only for his elder brothers. What is he supposed to do, is to get the best grades in school, gain support for his brother and become a valuable asset for his brother, the Crown Prince, to use. Just as the King and his birth mother had always told him.

Eniz shakes his head to get rid of those unnecessary thoughts. He would like nothing more than to be useful and not be a burden. Not everyone can be a hero. What he can do is to help the upcoming hero, the heir of his kingdom, to be come a beacon of light for the people in the years to come.

And for that, Eniz need to gain support from strong people, like his impulsive teammate. Larence is his friend and even though, he is impulsive, he is very good at physical combat and swordsmanship. He could be the hero Eniz always hoped for. Maybe the entire reason he became friends with the dark-haired male was to fulfil his childish fantasy of becoming the group of hero who defeated the big bad demon lord for the people.

Whatever it was, Eniz is a prince and he was taught to put his citizens above his own wellbeing. He never complained about it anyway. For those citizens, he has to work with Allen Coldwell and his friends.

And to attain satisfying results, he needs to keep their collaboration together until all is well.


Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!

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