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A quick note on the font usage:

bold -- Author's note

[italics] -- Something that was said or happened in the past

Alright then, Enjoy!


'Does he perhaps have something against all rich people? Or is it because of how I accused him?' Eniz wonders as he gently places the plant sprouts on the mud. Felix was next to him too, making more holes for the plantation of more sprouts. Eniz frowns as his thoughts begin to revolve about the grumpy black-haired boy near him.

When he was first introduced to class, Eniz was quite intrigued by him. His appearance itself was unique: long jet-black hair tied up in a messy pony tail, deep amethyst like eyes and unusually pale. The most interesting feature was the diamond shape on his right cheek, just below his eye. Eniz was not sure how the boy got away from the school management for getting tattoos but, maybe it was because he got in through scholarship or the school is too liberal.

Eniz never talked to him before the whole accusation, but Eniz had a personal profile on Felix. He is rather aloof and mostly like a loner. Gets pissed off often and does not like conversing. 'He might find it hard to make friends.' Eniz had thought.

Imagine his astonishment when he saw Felix confessing to Allen, with black roses and chocolates. He was so shocked out of his mind. How did Felix fall in love with Allen, of all people?! But considering how they interacted Felix showed no signs of discomfort while talking with Allen. So Eniz arrived at the conclusion that they were good friends who turned to lovers.

And then came the accusation incident. The whole thing left a bitten taste in his mouth. But he needed it. He needed a slap to his face to get back on line. So, he was kind of thankful that it happened.

"We are done with planting." Felix's voice awakes Eniz from his daydream and hands over a watering can. "Now go water those two rows while I will do these two." Eniz hurriedly agrees, relieved that the work will end soon. As he does as Felix told him to, he remembers the words Azruelle said to him earlier about Allen and Felix. 'Azruelle said that he does not know about human customs. I wonder what where those unfortunate circumstance were.' But he decides ask the brown head himself, as there is no way Felix would ever answer. He might actually shout at him and call him a stalker if he did.

'I wonder what I should do about the problem regarding Allen.' The evidence regarding the tragedy is with Rachel Honeycutt, another friend of his. If she does not know about Eniz's sudden friendliness with Allen's friends, she might let him into her house. But he does not think Azruelle will be allowed. She seemed very angry at how Azruelle stood up for Allen. She also cursed him a lot. Maybe getting a copy of the evidences might work. But that would require too much magic power.

'Wait, maybe Ryan might—' Eniz suddenly remembers Rachel's infatuation with Ryan. But, right now she seems to be in love with Larence. She might also stay away from Ryan since he too protected Allen. He still had no idea on how to get Azruelle into the investigation. Seducing Rachel seems to be a way.

'I feel like a piece of sh1t for considering this plan.'

Suddenly, his right hand his grabbed and pulled. He wakes up from his thoughts and to his terror, sees the dark look on Felix's face. He almost drops the watering can in his hand in fear. "You are killing them." Felix says. Eniz becomes confused and asks, "What do—oh" He sees the soil around the plants has now turn into muddy puddles. He blushes in embarrassment, but shakes it off when his fear comes back again. What if Felix yelled at him again?

Eniz hears a deep sigh and a click of tongue coming from the taller male. He looks up to see that Felix did not look as angry as he imagined. "You are such a pain in the @ss! If I had not caught you in time, you would have made a damn lake around the plant!" Eniz gulps and murmurs an apology. Felix stares at him, and then scratches the back of his neck, a tired and annoyed look coming on his face. "Stop daydreaming if you want to help." Then, he goes back to do his work. Eniz stares at him for some time, before he also turns to water the plans.

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