~Meet the crew part3~ 《Chapter 3.3》

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Roxanne tagged along with you guys for an hour while you guys walked around, ate food and played arcade games. Richard had a sorta pissed off expression on his face due to her tagging along. You couldn't really tell very well through the mask he wore.

You guys were playing in the arcade. Roxanne was leaning against the wall by the just dance game while you and Richard played. You whooped his a$$$. You laughed loudly. Sure he was mad but alot he was having alot of fun. He just chuckled softly.
"WOOO HOOOO *Huff* I WONNNN In *Huff* your face!!!! You laughed Hysterically. He rolled his eyes. Roxanne giggled a bit. She had her eyes closed while you and Richard were playing.

You, Richard and Roxanne played a bunch of games. You didn't realize it had been hours and it was late.

~Attention staff and Lady's or Gentlemen this is the announcement that we have 10 minutes till closing time. Please pick up any children you have, say your goodbyes and we hope to see you soon. Don't forget to exchange your tickets for a prize at the prize counter or same them for next time.~

Dang it was already time to go? You had such a fun time, you've spent hours with them. Roxanne's what looked to be fluffy tail had slowly shifted down to her side as she heard the intercom go off. Richard just checked his phone. "Well I guess it's time for everyone to head out ey?" Richard said.

"I guess so" you mumbled. Roxanne nodded her head in agreement. "See yall soon, I hope". Roxanne said before hugging both of you separately. She rubbed your back and nuzzled your shoulder which made you giggle. Then she walked away waving. "I have to go get my brother" You said "I'll walk with you." "Okay" you smiled.

You quickly ran and got your brother with 2 minutes left before the doors shut. You guys made it out in one minute. Your brother was exsuted. He could barely keep his eyes awake on your guys way to the car. Richard walked with you to make sure you got there safely. You buckled your brother in then shut the door.

"You coming back tomorrow?" Richard asked. "Idk maybe. I'll text you if we do". You said as a notification appeared on your screen. Making your pocket vibrate. "Probably my dad. He may be mad since we're out late." " Yeah. My parents aren't home right now, they went out today". "Well I best be on my way." You said. "Goodnight, get home safely" Richard said getting ready to walk away.

You grabbed his wrist and pulled him in for a hug. "Thanks for today, You be safe" You laid your head on his chest. He hugged you back with one hand ruffling through your hair and the other one held onto your waist. "No problem cutie~" He kissed your forehead with his mask on.

You let him go and he walked to his car. You got into yours and drove off to get home. Your brother was already passed out. You knew you were probably gonna be in trouble for keeping your brother out this late.

The Pizza plex closes at 10:30 now. You were supposed to be home by 10:00. But of course you lost track of time. You sighed as you drove home, speeding a bit. 10 MPh over the speed limit. You really hoped you didn't get pulled over.

You pulled into the parking lot. Seeing your dad standing by the front lawn waiting for your arrival. Puck.. you mumbled under your breath. You got out of the car and went and unbuckeld your brother who was sound asleep. "Your late" your father said angerly.

"I know, I lost track of time okay!" You said sorta bratty. "Get in the house and put your brother to bed we'll talk then." He headed inside not holding the door for you. So it slammed right as you tried to walk in.

You sighed as you walked in and up to your brothers room. You put him in bed than you grabbed his tiny white bunny plush that he got a few years ago. It was a gift from your mother to him. It was kinda old and creepy. It had red eyes and was pretty dirty. Anyway you laid it down next to him in his bed. Then you walked out of his room closing the door softly. You sighed as you walked downstairs to the livingroom where your dad was waiting.

This is a bit long, I apologize. Anyway sorry if I missed something or messed something up. Have a good day. :)

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