~The small argument and the family dinner~ 《Chapter 4》

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You sat on the couch your dad wasn't on. He rolled his eyes. You just sat there. Waiting for him to say something. "Well?" You eye rolled. "Well what? You were past your brothers curfew. You know I should ground you. Why were you late? You didn't even answer my text. I thought something hadhappenedtoyou" He said furious and talked fast, it was hard to understand him sometimes. "I was having fun with two new friends I made. I'm sorry to disappoint you Father."You said Blankly.

"You didn't disappoint me. I just got worried. I'm sorry, I probably overreacted." You knew your father was kind. He would never hurt a fly. Or so atleast you thought.

"I'm glad you made friends atleast." He said. "Who are they?" "Well one of them is Richard and the other one is The Roxanne Wolf" "Woah" he said atleast you had fun" he said heading to bed. "Goodnight" He said as you nodded in agreement. You went to your room and laid in your bed staring at your ceiling.

You were bored and realized it was 1 In the morning. You groaned then got up and changed, putting on pj's. After you put on Pj's you laid in your bed. Sooner or later you fell asleep.

You were woken up or atleast you thought. You sat up from your bed. "What time is it?"
You checked the clock. It wasn't there. Huh?
Wheres my clock. It was quiet..To quiet.. Okay what the h-e double hockey sticks is going on. You walked downstairs to see your mother. Mom? "Oh dear just in time~"
"We're having food" She said. Your father and brother were just smiling. Very wide. It wasn't even possible to smile that wide.

You sat down at the table. Your mom served you a plate of some kinda meat. You took a bite. It tasted.. Rotten.. "Oh dear I invited your boyfriend for dinner." She said smiling as she put the oven mitts back on the counter. "I don't have a boyfriend?" "Richard" your brother said. "First of all he's not my boyfriend and if you invited him where is he?"

"Baby you must've misunderstood I invited him for dinner, not to eat it" "What?" "To be it" You felt sick to your stomach as you put it all together. "Why!?" You said as tears started streaming down your face.

The three just started laughing. You felt your knees failing to hold you up. Your head started spinning. Your parents didn't usually get along. Why was she even here. You felt sick, frustrated, hurt and destroyed. This had to be a sick joke. Why would they do this to you? That's right they wouldn't.

Richard wasn't even your boyfriend. Did you want him to be? You were a bit confused on what you thought about him. That's irrelevant. Right now weather it's real or not you gotta do something. You stood up straight. Your mom started moving towards you. "Come here baby~" "Hug your Mother~"

"Fu{k off bi/ch" with that being said you grabbed the closest thing to you which was a chair and smashed it on your 'mother's' head. Your mother started bleeding. "How could you do this to your own mother?" Tears went down her face. It was fake. You knew it was. Or atleast you hoped. With that being said your brother kicked the back of your knee causing you to fall down. Sh- you look up to see your father with a knife. He brutally stabs you. Your brother watches and chuckles.

Thats when you woke up In a cold sweat, tears streaming down your face. You sighed as you looked at the clock. The time read 9:30 am. You kicked the blankets to your side, grabbed clothes then took a shower.

After you got dressed you heard your father call for you. It startled you a bit knowing the dream you just had. You walked down stairs to see see he had made Breakfest. You ate and than enjoyed the rest of the day by yourself.

You shot Richard a text:

You:Something came up, I can't hang out today sorry.

Richard:No worries Cutie~

You turned your phone off and laid in bed.

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