Coming to an end/The fire《14》

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Narrator P.O.V:
You walked out of your school to see Richard there. "Ready? Wolf girl missed you so much" He joked. "Aw I missed wolf girl tooo" You laughed.

After about 20 minutes you guys arrived at the Pizza plex. You and Richard walked inside the pizza plex. Chica greeted Richard. You walked off to get a slushie and find your wolf girl. After getting your slushy you saw Roxanne talking to some lady.

You gently petted Roxannes tail. She turned around quick. "Wh-... Y/N!!" She picked you up and twirled you around in her arms. "Okay okay Roxanne put me down!" You laughed and yelled. She put you down. "Awwww are you guys..Dating?" The lady said with a big smile on her face. "Wh- No ofc not! " Roxanne's tail swayed back and forth with the thought of it.

1 hour later

You, Roxanne, Chica and Richard all hung out for the rest of the day. For hours you guys played the Games and you and Richard ate food. You all were so happy.

That was until the announcement went off for closing time. "Ughhhh. See you guys later" Chica said giving you and then Richard a hug. You booped Roxannes nose. "I'll see you tomorrow wolfy." You said a little sad. "Bye. I'll miss you" She said while ruffling your hair.

You and Richard left after saying your goodbyes. "Thank you for driving me here" You got into the car. "No problem y/n." Richard smiled at you. He dropped you off at your house. You waved to him and walked into the door.

Your parents were sleeping but the TV was on. "Lil bro?" You said walking towards the TV. He was infact sleeping on the couch. He must have wanted to watch some cartoons.

You Carried him up to his room. You opened his door, laid him on his bed, covered him up with blankets and then left the room. You went downstairs and decided to watch TV for a little bit.

1 hour later.

You could hardly keep your eyes open. You tried to keep your focus on the TV but it drifted to sides of the room, then the floor, ceiling and lastly back to the left corner. Which looked to be a Silhouette..Of a person waving slowly. Everything started to turn glitchy and then faded to black.

6:00 Am
You p.o.v

I woke up on the couch. I looked at the clock and it said 6:01 am. I sighed and turned the TV back on. I turned the channel to the news. Huh? To my surprise it was the pizza plex. But it was on Fire!

Sh!t I grabbed my car keys and drove there. It was all blocked off. There were police, blocking tape and people everywhere outside of the building. F## what do I do now. I tried to walk past the police. "Excuse me you can't pass this" He grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

Narrator P.O.V.

You walked around to the back where there wasn't many people. You were going to get in there no matter what. You were going to save your wolf girl or thats the last thing you'll see.

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