Chapter 7 - Worried Moon

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The light of a candle flame flickered against Ailynn's fair face, eliminating it with a warm orange tint. Two silver rings attached to a silver chain upon her neck lay on her palm. Inscribed on the scratched pieces of silver were tiny symbols; on the smallest ring was the sun and on the largest was the moon. The matching pieces were the last things she had of her parents, besides the blurry memories and blood-stained scouting emblems she had hidden away in a small wooden box beneath her bed. Erwin had retrieved them on the day they both died. Ailynn was too young to remember every detail of that day other than her uncle returning bruised, bloody and alone. But the look on his young face was something she would never forget. His bloodshot eyes and dried tears, his sister's blood soaking his hair and cheek. She couldn't forget.

Ailynn sunk deeper into the pillow which leant against her bed's wooden frame. She licked the corner of her lip, where an escaped tear had slid. The bitter taste of salt spread across her tongue and nipped at her taste buds. But her attention did not leave the two rings shimmering in the flickering light of the small flame. Then the sound of footsteps interrupted her from a deep thought. A mighty knock sounded on the door to her quarters. Ailynn leapt from out of her covers and onto the cold wood floor. The coolness of the polished wood sent a chill through her body. She ran to a vanity on the opposite side of her room and inspected her salt-stained face. Her hair was strung messily on her shoulders and all over her head. Thinking quickly, she bunched the silver locks up and tied it lazily in a low-bun. Her hand ran across her cheeks and wiped any evidence of sorrow present upon them. Almost immediately after, she bolted to the front door of her quarters and ripped it open in a single swing.

"I am so sorry I..." She paused and looked up at the tall figure standing in front of her. Green eyes peered down at her and a slight friendly grin lightened the dim room. "Miche?" Her heart sunk. She expected somebody like Erwin, Nanaba - Gelgar even. But not the man who sought her heart and company for his own good.

"You should leave." She grumbled and turned away, expecting Miche to obey her simple suggestion. Instead he stood still and reached out to her. His broad fingers wrapped around her thin wrists and he pulled the young woman back towards himself.

"I won't do such a thing." He released his hold on her and replaced his hand not on her wrist, but around her broad shoulders. "What happened? Speak to me Ai."

Ailynn felt her body tense up as he held her shoulder. She felt not frightened nor threatened but rather, she felt forced to tell the truth. His warm hold enticed her with such comfort, she found ignoring him almost impossible. She shied her gaze from his and sighed, "I'm... I'm afraid. To lose what I want so bad."

Miche hummed and held her closer. "Lynne and Tomas told you, didn't they? About Erwin disbanding the medical squadron?" Ailynn mumbled a yes.

He lowered his head. "Then I am assuming you heard my proposal." He took a short breath in and sighed. "Ai, I know you don't want the squad to be eliminated. But the officials are already going through with it all. There's not much I can do."

Ailynn threw her face within the depth of his broad chest and held him tightly. She needed something to keep her level, and he was the only thing she could think of at this time. Miche jerked back slightly and lifted his arm from around her shoulders for a brief second, before replacing them once he grew more comfortable. He hummed lowly and began to stroke her silver locks. He bunched bundles of the hair between his fingers and ran them gently through. Ailynn's hair was softer than anything his rough hands had ever touched. Without thinking, Miche hovered his nose over her head and took in a light sniff. His nostrils filled with the strong scent of lavender oil, which she had used to treat it earlier. No wonder her hair was so soft.

Miche's trance was broken when Ailynn broke away and cleared her throat with a slight awkwardness. "Miche... you know I'm not fit for your squad." She quickly cleared the awkward atmosphere. "I'm a medic - a nurse. Sure I can fight, but nowhere near enough to satisfy your expectations. I'd only slow you down - you know that."

Miche lifted his brow. "You proved yourself out there, Ai. But if it isn't what you wish for, I won't push that burden onto you." He smiled weakly as he gazed into her enchanting eyes.

Ailynn moved closer to the man and landed a gentle peck on his bristled cheek, which earned a vibrant blush upon his tanned skin. "Thank you, Miche. I will keep your offer in mind. But for now, I need to focus on reforming the Medical Squadron."

He nodded in response. "I will help you in any way I can. The medical squad is essential. In fact, its saved my ass more than I can count."

"I appreciate it. Thank you, Miche." Ailynn lifted her hand and brushed a handful of overhanging hairs from his face. "Now go get some rest! I'm sure you've got a busy day ahead of you tomorrow."

Miche gently curled a hand around Ailynn's hand and lifted it up to his lips, before pressing it against them lightly. "And the same to you, Ai. Goodnight. He walked out of the room, leaving the flustered woman alone in her dim room wishing she had never hinted for him to leave.


He slowly removed his head from the surface of the door once he heard the chattering stop, and then the growing sound of footsteps within the inside room. The figure slithered away into the shadows of the night, eager to stay hidden from the eye of the Second Best. This mission had to stay as secretive as possible.

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