Chapter 1.

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Characters' in chapter:
Kaeya, Albedo, Diluc, Rosaria, Venti, Jean, Klee.

Diluc sighed as he cleaned the used cups in his tavern, in Mondstadt. Venti, Kaeya and Rosaria were there, yet again. Rosaria was only there to make sure Kaeya didn't drink too much, and Venti was just always at the tavern, getting drunk as he always does. "Darn bard.. He knows he shouldn't be here." Diluc thought to himself as he looked over at Venti, who was already drunk. Kaeya was laughing with Rosaria, saying things a drunk person would normally say.

"Kaeya, you need to be more careful about how much wine you drink." Rosaria said to Kaeya, who wasn't listening. Sometimes, Rosaria wishes that Diluc would limit the wine he gives to Venti and Kaeya. "Rosaria,." Kaeya muttered. Rosaria knew what he was gonna say. "Did I ever tell you I liked someone?" He would have never said something like that, so Rosaria thought we wasn't completely drunk. She shook her head, yet she was a bit unsure who it was, but she wanted to guess. "Diluc, did you know about this?" He just shook his head. Seemed like Diluc didn't know about this either.

At Jean's office
Jean was sitting in her office, as someone knocked on her door. "The door's unlocked." She shouted to the person who knocked at the door. Albedo walked in and shut the door behind him. "Jean, do you know where Klee is? I lost her.." Albedo sounded guilty about losing his little sister. Jean sighed in a thinking tone. "Well, where would Klee normally go?" Jean thought quickly. Albedo's eyes sparkled as he looked up from looking at the floor. "fish blasting." They both said at the same time. "I'll go get her then." Albedo said, quickly leaving, going to where klee would normally would go for fish blasting. Klee turned out to be there, she almost threw one of her bombs in until Albedo went behind Klee, and stopped her quickly. "Brother!" Klee said, hugging Albedo. "Klee, you're gonna get in trouble with Jean now.." Albedo sighed, thinking he would get in trouble for this.

Albedo was walking Klee back to Jean as he saw Rosaria taking Kaeya, who was passed out from being drunk, out the tavern. Albedo wasn't suprised at this point as it happens daily. "Albedo, can you help me or are you busy?" Rosaria called out as soon as she saw Albedo. "Sorry Rosaria, I'm busy right now. Klee did something she shouldn't have done." Rosaria nodded as she carried on carrying Kaeya. Klee ended up getting grounded. "Jean, can we talk? If you have time to that is." Albedo sounded worried or somewhat scared about it. "I have some time, but not a lot. You have to be quick about it." Jean put down the paper she was reading to look at Albedo. "Uhm, well.. I have 2 things, one is a question and one is just a statement?" Jean sighed worriedly. "Go on.." Albedo got a bit closer to Jean to say it. "Are you not worried about how much Kaeya is drinking?" Jean shook her head.

"And the other thing?" "Well, I'm not so sure about this one but, heres the thing, Jean. I like someone." She didn't seem very shocked about this, instead seemed like she knew. "Does this person happen to have blue hair?" Albedo nodded. "Right. So, I know who it might be.." Jean started to think again, but it looked very pretend. "Kaeya?" The room fell silent for a couple of seconds. "Yeah,." Jean nodded to his answer. "I'll keep that in mind for now."

Albedo was a little embarrassed after that, when he shouldn't have been. On his way out of Jean's office, he saw Rosaria again. She was alone this time. "Hey Rosaria. Did you put Kaeya away?" Rosaria just nodded slightly. "Oh, Albedo. Did Kaeya ever tell you he liked someone?" His eyes lit up a little. "No, he didn't. Did he tell you who it was who he liked?" Albedo sounded hopeful about it. "Unfortunately not. He just said 'someone' not 'who' it was. He was drunk when he said it." He sighed a little after Rosaria said 'drunk'. "Don't drunk people say the truth?" Albedo hoped it was true. "Well, yes it is." He sighed of relief. "Ok, thanks but I have to go now." Albedo rushed out quickly. He hid behind a bush and just sat down and thought for a long time.

"Who does Kaeya like? What if it's me?" Albedo blushed to the thought of this.  He sat there, for an hour thinking about who Kaeya liked. He ended up falling asleep after that hour. (Time skip lol) Albedo was then found behind the bush the next day. He was found by Kaeya. "You ok? You were sleeping behind this bush." He smiled at Albedo as he looked back, sleepily. "Kaeya? How did you see me?" He just shrugged and helped Albedo up. Kaeya couldn't help but see that his cheeks were red, like he was embarrassed by something. He reached to touch Albedo's cheek, it felt warm. "Is he blushing?" "Kaeya, can I talk to you?" He nodded. "Well.."

Carrying this on in the next chapter, its too many words lol.

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